Notice Type
General Notices
Notice Title

Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Land

In the matter of section 156 of the Property Law Act 2007, and in the matter of mortgages 8240017.3 and 8240069.3 (both North Auckland Land Registry), Identifiers NA50C/469 and NA88B/36 ("the mortgages"), and in the matter of Allenby Builders Limited (Company No.: 1954110):
ANZ National Bank Limited ("the mortgagee" under the mortgages) hereby gives notice that it has entered into possession of the mortgaged land described below with effect from 30 May 2011.
The description of the mortgaged land is:
- Firstly, the property situated at 8 Comet Crescent, Mangere, Auckland, being an estate in fee simple in
all that parcel of land containing 581 square metres, more or less, being Lot 187 DP 59927, being all the
land comprised in certificate of title NA50C/469 (North Auckland Land Registry).
- Secondly, the property situated at 15B Driver Road, Mangere East, Auckland, being firstly a one-third
share in an estate in fee simple containing 1012 square metres, more or less, being Lot 10 DP 8695, and secondly a leasehold estate in Flat 3, DP 148279 and Carport 3, DP 148279, contained in lease instrument LC325936.2, being all the land comprised in certificate of title NA88B/36 (North Auckland Land Registry).
The address to which communications relating to the mortgaged land may be addressed is ANZ National Bank Limited, c/o Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Private Bag 31905, Lower Hutt 5040. Facsimile: (04) 569 1571. Enquiries to: Voon Kong. Email:
Signed and dated at Lower Hutt this 1st day of June 2011.
GIBSON SHEAT, on Behalf of ANZ National Bank Limited.
Note: This notice is given by the solicitors for the mortgagee at the offices of Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Level 3, 1 Margaret Street, Lower Hutt. Documents may be:
(a) posted to the solicitor at Gibson Sheat Lawyers,
Private Bag 31905, Lower Hutt 5040; or
(b) left for the solicitor at the document exchange for direction to Gibson Sheat Lawyers, DX RP42008; or
(c) transmitted to the solicitor by facsimile to Gibson Sheat Lawyers. Facsimile: (04) 569 1571.