Notice Title


Advertisement of Application to Vary a Charitable Trust
Pursuant to Section 36 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957
Pursuant to Parts 3 and 5, and section 32 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957, an application has been made by Trustees Executors Limited for approval of a scheme varying the trust known as the PATRICIA BEEHAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND created in the last will of Catherine Beehan, widow, late of Invercargill, providing for pupils and past pupils of St Catherine’s Convent at Invercargill.
The orders sought are:
(a) Approval of a scheme varying the trust because of the closure of St Catherine’s Convent (also known as St Catherine’s College) and merger with
Marist College to become Verdon College resulting in beneficiaries of the trust being unable to be identified save for past pupils of St Catherine’s College. The proposed scheme provides that Verdon College be substituted for the reference
to St Catherine’s Convent allowing its pupils and ex-pupils to be included as possible recipients of
the scholarship fund.
(b) Fixing the costs of the Attorney-General at $750.00 in respect of the application.
The application for the order to approve the scheme
varying this charitable trust and to fix the costs of the Attorney-General is to be heard in the High Court at Invercargill on 5 April 2011 at 9.30am.
Any person wishing to oppose approval of the proposed scheme sought under the application by Trustees Executors Limited must give written notice of their intention to do
so to the Registrar of the High Court at Invercargill, Trustees & Executors Limited and the Attorney-General, not less than seven clear days before the date of the proposed hearing.
Trustees Executors Limited can be contacted care of Downie Stewart, Solicitors, Level 8, John Wickliffe House, The Exchange (PO Box 1345), Dunedin.