Notice Title

Waimea Rural Fire District Notice 2004, Amendment No. 1

Publication Date
20 Jan 2011


Forest and Rural Fires Act Rural fire district notices

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Pursuant to sections 4(1) and 8(1) of the Forest and Rural Fires Act 1977, the National Rural Fire Authority hereby makes the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title and commencement-(1) This notice may be cited as the Waimea Rural Fire District Notice 2004, Amendment No. 1 and shall be read with and deemed part of the notice constituting the Waimea Rural Fire District Notice 2004 dated the 26th day of April 2004* (hereinafter referred to as the principal notice).
(2) This notice comes into force 28 days after publication in the New Zealand Gazette.
2. Amendment of Rural Fire District Notice-The principal notice is hereby amended by:
(1) Revoking clauses 4 and 5 of the notice and substituting with the following clauses:
"4. The committee shall consist of seven members as follows:
(a) One person appointed in writing by a director of Tasman Bay Forests Company Limited; and
(b) one person appointed in writing by the Managing Director of Nelson Management Limited representing Nelson Forests Limited; and
(c) one person appointed in writing by the Tasman District Council under the signature of its chief executive; and
(d) one person appointed in writing by the Nelson City Council under the signature of its chief executive; and
(e) one person appointed in writing by the Department of Conservation, under the signature of its director-general; and
(f) one person appointed in writing by Federated Farmers of New Zealand (Nelson Province) Incorporated, under the signature of its regional president; and
(g) one person appointed in writing by the Chief Executive of the New Zealand Fire Service.
5. The committee, upon consideration of the collective governance skills of the committee, may appoint one independent member with recognised governance experience. The independent member will have the same rights as other members of the committee."
(2) These clauses shall be read together with and be deemed to be part of the principal notice.
Dated at Wellington this 18th day of January 2011.
M. J. DUDFIELD, National Rural Fire Officer.
*New Zealand Gazette, 29 April 2004, No. 46, page 1157