Notice of Appointment of Receivers of Income
The Receiverships Act 1993
Christine Margaret Dunphy and Iain Bruce Shephard, insolvency practitioners of Wellington, were, on 29 September 2011 appointed jointly as receivers of income in respect of the following properties under the terms of mortgages granted in favour of Heartland Building Society:
Property owned by T SEREPISOS RENTALS LIMITED, being Apartment 30, 30 Tory Street, Wellington, and described in Identifier 260129 (Wellington Land Registry).
Property owned by NEW MILLENNIUM DESIGN LIMITED, being Apartment 87, 70 Tory Street, Wellington, and described in Identifier 360160 (Wellington Land Registry).
Property owned by NEW MILLENNIUM DESIGN LIMITED, being Apartment 90, 70 Tory Street, Wellington, and described in Identifier 360163 (Wellington Land Registry).
Property owned by NEW MILLENNIUM DESIGN LIMITED, being Apartment 113, 70 Tory Street, Wellington, and described in Identifier 360186 (Wellington Land Registry).
Property owned by NEW MILLENNIUM DESIGN LIMITED, being Apartment 114, 70 Tory Street, Wellington, and described in Identifier 360187 (Wellington Land Registry).
Property owned by ELEFTARIUS SEREPISOS, being
9 Robieson Street, Wellington, and described in Identifier 110933 (Wellington Land Registry).
Dated this 4th day of October 2011.
Please Direct all Enquiries to Jessica Kellow at the Receivers’ Office: Shephard Dunphy Limited, Insolvency
Practitioners, PO Box 11793, Wellington 6142.
Telephone: (04) 473 6747. Facsimile: (04) 473 6748.
Email: Website: