Notice Title

Notice Under the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989

Pursuant to the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, notice is hereby given of the making of Regulations as under:
Authority for Enactment Title or Subject-matter Serial Number Date of Enactment Retail
Health Practitioners Competence Assurance
Act 2003 Health Practitioners (Quality Assurance Activity-
New Zealand Orthopaedic Association Practice Visit Programme) Notice 2010 2010/345 23/9/10 $2.42
Takeovers Act 1993 Takeovers Code (AMP NZ Office Limited) Exemption Notice 2010 2010/346 24/9/10 $4.54
Securities Act 1978 Securities Act (Goodman Fielder New Zealand Limited) Exemption Notice 2010 2010/347 29/9/10 $3.89
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