Notice Title

Notice of Approval for Land to be Sold

Pursuant to Section 5 of the Harbour Boards
Dry Land Endowment Revesting Act 1991
Under the Harbour Boards Dry Land Endowment Revesting Act 1991, and pursuant to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Acting Conservator, Nelson/Marlborough Conservancy, approves the sale of the parcel of land, currently vested in the Tasman District Council, being
part of the land described in Part A of the Schedule to the Harbour Boards Dry Land Endowment Revesting Act
1991 under the description "Motueka Dry Lands", and more particularly described in the Schedule below:
Nelson Land District-Tasman District
Description Area
m2 Purchase
Price Purchaser
Lot 6 DP 14901 (all Computer Freehold Register NL 9C/1373). 1286 $200,000 Carimu Enterprises Limited
In terms of section 5(2)(c) of the Harbour Boards Dry Land Endowment Revesting Act 1991, the approval shall take effect on the date of this notice.
Dated at Nelson this 22nd day of November 2010.
(DOC DO PAL-16-11-03)