Pursuant to section 16 of the New Zealand Geographic Board (Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) Act 2008 ("the Act"), notice
was given in the New Zealand Gazette on 14 May 2009 of proposals to the New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa ("the Board") to assign official geographic names for Grafton Railway Station and The Catlins.
Submissions on these proposed names were dealt with by the Board according to section 18 of the Act.
I hereby declare my determinations, made pursuant to sections 20(2) and 20(3) of the Act, on 22 December 2009, are that
these names are now official geographic names and are specified in the first column of the Schedule below ("the Schedule").
The geographic feature type that each name relates to is set out in the second column of the Schedule.
The description for each name is set out in the third column of the Schedule.
My final determinations on these names shall take effect on 4 February 2010.
First Column Second Column Third Column
Official Geographic Name Geographic
Feature Type Description
Auckland Land District
Grafton Railway Station Railway Station At the intersection of Park Road and Khyber Pass Road, Auckland, NZTopo50
map BA32 - Auckland, GR 578 186. New name for railway station relocated from the Boston Road Railway Station (not an official or recorded name) beneath the Auckland southern motorway. The official geographic name is now "Grafton Railway Station".
Otago and Southland Land Districts
The Catlins Area South-eastern extremity of the South Island, NZTopo50 maps CF12 - Gore, CF13 - Clinton, CF14 - Clydevale, CG11 - Dacre, CG12 - Wyndham, CG13 - Chaslands, CG14 - Owaka, CG15 - Nugget Point, CH12 - Waipapa Point, CH13 - Curio Bay. Centred around coordinate 1315000mE, 4850000mN. Defined generally as being bounded by the coastline from Clutha River/Mata-Au in the north to Mataura River at Fortrose in the south. The inland boundary includes headwaters and catchments
of rivers and streams in the area that flows to the coast, and includes Catlins Conservation Park. See map at
"The Catlins" is a locally used recorded name now formalised as the official geographic name with a bounded extent.
Dated at Wellington this 4th day of February 2010.
HON MAURICE WILLIAMSON, Minister for Land Information.