Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Notice of Redefining the Purposes of a Maori Reservation

Pursuant to section 338(5)(d) of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993, on the recommendation of the Maori Land Court, the Maori lands referred to in the Schedule as set out in a notice published in the New Zealand Gazette, 15 March 1990, No. 39, page 829, were set aside as a Maori reservation, the purposes of the said Maori reservation are redefined by:
(a) amending the area of Pukenui 2N2B2A Block from
"3.4398 hectares"
"4.2030 hectares";
(b) amending the area of Section 92 Block IV Otanake Survey District from
"0.7250 hectares"
"0.0725 hectares"; and
(c) amending the name
"Barney Puku Anderson "
"Puku Barney Anderson ".
AND that the lands are hereby set apart as a Maori reservation for the purposes of a papakainga, marae
site and urupa for the common use and benefit of the descendants of Dolly Rubay Anderson and Puku Barney Anderson.
South Auckland Land District
All those pieces of land described as follows:
ha Description
(more or less) Pukenui 2N2B2A Block, being all the
land in Computer Freehold Register 486220 (South Auckland Land Registry). 0.0725
(more or less) Section 92 Block IV Otanake Survey District, being all the land in Computer Freehold Register SA38A/411 (South Auckland Land Registry). Dated at Wellington this 17th day of June 2010.
LEITH COMER, Chief Executive.
Ministry of Maori Development.
(MLC HO 2/3/1/3; DO Appln A20090005024)