Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Amendment to Notice Authorising of the Exchange of Part of Conservation Land for Other Land

Pursuant to section 50A of the Conservation Act 1987,
and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation,
the Conservator of the West Coast Conservancy of the Department of Conservation hereby amends the notice
with the above heading published in the New Zealand Gazette, 3 December 2009, No. 178, page 4332, by replacing the reference
Sections 1-4 SO 421029."
in the First Schedule for the reference
Section 1 SO 421029."
The amending notice under this section shall take effect as from 17 November 2009, the date of the original notice.
Dated at Hokitika this 2nd day of June 2010.
NEIL CLIFTON, Acting Conservator.
(DOC HK PAC-11-01-100)