Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Notification of Whenua Rahui for Part of the Mount Ngongotaha Scenic Reserve

Pursuant to section 58 of the Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapu Claims Settlement Act 2008, the Minister of Conservation hereby notifies that the area described in the Schedule hereto has been declared a whenua rahui by section 50 of the Act.
Pursuant to section 51 of the Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapu Claims Settlement Act 2008, the Crown acknowledges the affiliate values in relation to this whenua rahui.
The provisions of the Act which relate to a whenua rahui are sections 49 to 67 inclusive.
Further details of the affiliate values may be found in the form set out in Part 5 of Schedule 3 of the deed of settlement and the areas declared to be nga whenua rahui are shown in Schedule 4 of the Act.
Protection principles
The following protection principles are directed at the Minister of Conservation avoiding harm to, or the diminishing of, the Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi, Ngati Tura/Ngati Te Ngakau, and Ngati Ngararanui (hapu of Ngati Whakaue) Values related to Part of the Mount Ngongotaha Scenic Reserve:
(a) Protection of wahi tapu, indigenous flora and fauna and the wider environment within Part of the Mount Ngongotaha Scenic Reserve;
(b) Recognition of the mana, kaitiakitanga and tikanga of Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi, Ngati Tura/Ngati
Te Ngakau, and Ngati Ngararanui (hapu of Ngati Whakaue) within Part of the Mount Ngongotaha Scenic Reserve;
(c) Respect for Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi, Ngati Tura/Ngati Te Ngakau, and Ngati Ngararanui
(hapu of Ngati Whakaue) tikanga within Part of the Mount Ngongotaha Scenic Reserve;
(d) Encouragement of the respect for the association
of Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi, Ngati Tura/Ngati
Te Ngakau, and Ngati Ngararanui (hapu of Ngati Whakaue) with Part of the Mount Ngongotaha Scenic Reserve;
(e) Accurate portrayal of the association of Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi, Ngati Tura/Ngati Te Ngakau, and Ngati Ngararanui (hapu of Ngati Whakaue) with Part of the Mount Ngongotaha Scenic Reserve; and
(f) Recognition of the relationship of Ngati Te Roro
o Te Rangi, Ngati Tura/Ngati Te Ngakau, and Ngati Ngararanui (hapu of Ngati Whakaue) with the wahi tapu and wahi whakahirahira.
Actions by the Director-General of Conservation in relation to specific principles
Pursuant to clause 11.9.13 of the Deed of Settlement, the Director-General has determined that the following actions will be taken by the Department of Conservation in relation to the specific principles:
Department of Conservation staff, contractors, conservation board members, concessionaires and
the public will be provided with information about
Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi, Ngati Tura/Ngati Te Ngakau, and Ngati Ngararanui (hapu of Ngati Whakaue) Values, and the existence of the whenua rahui and will be encouraged to respect the Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi, Ngati Tura/Ngati Te Ngakau, and Ngati Ngararanui (hapu of Ngati Whakaue) association with Part of the Mount Ngongotaha Scenic Reserve;
The Department of Conservation will work with Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi, Ngati Tura/Ngati Te Ngakau,
and Ngati Ngararanui (hapu of Ngati Whakaue) on
the design and location of new signs to discourage inappropriate behaviour, including fossicking, the modification of wahi tapu sites and disturbance of
other taonga;
The public will be informed that the removal of all rubbish and wastes from Part of the Mount Ngongotaha Scenic Reserve is required;
The Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi, Ngati Tura/Ngati
Te Ngakau, and Ngati Ngararanui (hapu of Ngati Whakaue) association with Part of the Mount Ngongotaha Scenic Reserve will be accurately portrayed in all new Department of Conservation information
and educational material;
Te Pumautanga Trustees will be consulted regarding the provision of all new Department of Conservation public information or educational material, and the Department of Conservation will only use Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi, Ngati Tura/Ngati Te Ngakau, and Ngati Ngararanui (hapu of Ngati Whakaue) cultural information with the consent of Te Pumautanga Trustees;
Significant earthworks and disturbances of soil and/or vegetation will be avoided wherever possible;
Where significant earthworks and disturbances of soil and/or vegetation cannot be avoided, the Te Pumautanga Trustees will be consulted and particular regard will be had to their views, including those relating to koiwi (human remains) and archaeological sites; and
Any koiwi (human remains) or other taonga found or uncovered by the Department of Conservation will be left untouched and the Te Pumautanga Trustees informed as soon as possible to enable Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi, Ngati Tura/Ngati Te Ngakau, and Ngati Ngararanui (hapu of Ngati Whakaue) to deal with the koiwi or taonga in accordance with their tikanga, subject to any procedures required by law.
South Auckland Land District-Rotorua District
ha Description
Sections 44 and 57 Block XV Rotorua
Survey District; Part Section 7 and Section 16 Block III Horohoro Survey District; Lot 1 DP 31278; Lot 1 DPS 34005; Rotohokahoka F1 No. 2, D North 6, and parts D North 2B,
D North 10, D South 9B, D South 10A,
and D South 10B Blocks; marked "A", "B" and "C" on SO 364720 (part New Zealand Gazette,
18 December 1980, No. 146, page 4061 and
all New Zealand Gazette, 22 September 1983, No. 156, page 3171 (all Computer Freehold Register SA469/154)).
Dated at Wellington this 20th day of April 2010.
KATE WILKINSON, Minister of Conservation.
(DOC CO TWS-02-37-02)