Pursuant to sections 11 and 12 of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, the following notice is given.
This notice amends the Psychologists Board’s notice dated the 20th day of August 2004 and published in a Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, 15 September 2004, No. 120, at page 2976, setting out scopes of practice and related qualifications.
Please replace the Trainee or Intern Psychologist scopes of practice, along with the related definitions and prescribed qualifications, with the following:
1. Intern Psychologist
The special purpose scope of practice for postgraduate psychology students comprises of psychology services undertaken as part of the postgraduate internship on which the application is based.
It does not extend to practice or any other activity outside that postgraduate study.
Registration within the special purpose scope of practice will be authorised for the duration of the postgraduate study and applies only to that postgraduate study.
An intern psychologist within a special purpose scope is defined as rendering or offering to render to individuals, groups, organisations or the public any psychological service involving the application of psychological knowledge, principles, methods and procedures of understanding, predicting ameliorating or influencing behaviour, affect or cognition.
Such practice is undertaken within an individual’s area and level of expertise and with due regard to ethical, legal, and board-prescribed standards.
Standard Conditions
May only practise under close supervision while undertaking the internship requirements for the board-accredited post graduate diploma or doctoral course the intern is enrolled in.
Qualifications Prescribed for the Scope
An intern psychologist scope of practice may be granted to applicants who have completed formal academic studies that have provided them with the foundation competencies required for safe practice in a supervised internship setting and who are enrolled in a board-accredited post graduate diploma or doctoral course of studies.
2. Trainee Psychologist
The special purpose scope of practice for "supervision-to-registration" candidates comprises of psychology services undertaken as part of the board-approved supervision plan on which the application is based.
It does not extend to practice or any other activity outside the approved supervision plan.
Registration within the special purpose scope of practice will be authorised for the duration of the supervision plan and apply only to that supervised practise.
A trainee psychologist within a special purpose scope is defined as rendering or offering to render to individuals, groups, organisations or the public any psychological service involving the application of psychological knowledge, principles, methods and procedures of understanding, predicting ameliorating or influencing behaviour, affect or cognition.
Such practice is undertaken within an individual’s area and level of expertise and with due regard to ethical, legal, and board-prescribed standards.
Standard Conditions
May only practise under supervision at their place of employment while undertaking their board-approved supervision plan.
Qualifications Prescribed for the Scope
A trainee psychologist scope of practice may be granted to applicants who have completed formal academic qualifications that have provided the foundation competencies required for safe practice in a supervised setting and who are entering board-approved supervised practice for the purpose of achieving full registration."
This notice takes effect from 15 January 2011.
Dated at Wellington this 10th day of December 2010.
STEVEN J. OSBORNE, Chief Executive and Registrar, Psychologists Board.