Pursuant to Part 6, section 130(1) of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2004 ("the Act"), the following notice is given.
This notice sets out the fees to be charged by the Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand under the Act, from the commencement of Part 6, section 130(1) on 18 September 2004.
N o t i c e
1. Title and commencement (1) This notice may be cited as the Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand (Fees) Notice 2010.
(2) This notice is a regulation for the purposes of the Regulations (Disallowance) Act 1989, but is not a regulation for the purposes of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989.
(3) This notice revokes and replaces all earlier Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand (OTBNZ) fees notices.
(4) This notice comes into force on 1 April 2010.
2. Fees (1) The OTBNZ sets the following fees, payable to the OTBNZ, specified in the attached Schedule.
(2) Fees are non-refundable.
(3) The OTBNZ may provide for the waiver or transfer of any fee, or part thereof, in accordance with current policy at the time the fee is paid.
3. Tax The fees are inclusive of goods and services tax (GST).
New Fee
(incl. of GST)
Applications for registration
Recent New Zealand graduates 315.00
New Zealand qualified - graduated more than 12 months ago - first time applicant 315.00
Previously registered in New Zealand - restoration to the Register 315.00
Overseas qualified 675.00
Applicants applying pursuant to Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 315.00
Practising certificates applications
Annual Practising Certificate 546.00
Practising certificate valid for a limited period up to a maximum of three months 300.00
Competence assessment for scope of practice
Competence Assessment Applications for first-time applicants 180.00
Competence Assessment Applications for applicants previously registered in New Zealand 58.00
Application for changes to, or removal of, conditions on scope of practice 58.00
All examination candidates 3,375.00
Register maintenance
Fee for non-practising therapists to maintain their name on the Register 56.25
Updating contact details for therapists who have not paid Register maintenance fee
For each change to details eg name, address, work history etc. 33.75
Recertification Portfolio (mailed within New Zealand) 45.00
Recertification Portfolio (mailed to overseas address) 67.50
Code of Ethics 22.50
Continuing Competence Framework for Recertification 22.50
Supplying a copy of the Register 112.50
Verification of Registration (Statement of Good Standing) for the purpose of overseas registration 67.50
Returning original documents 67.50
Providing copies of documents on file 45.00
Reprinting of practising certificate 22.50
Accreditation and monitoring of educational institutions and degrees, courses of studies, or programmes
Accreditation and monitoring fees are based on recovery of reasonable and actual costs up to a maximum of $25,000.00
Dated at Wellington this 22nd day of December 2009.
ANDREW CHARNOCK, Chief Executive, Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand.