Notice Type
Notice Title

Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (Te Kura) Enrolment Policy 2011

Pursuant to section 7 of the Education Act 1989, this document sets out the criteria for government funded enrolment at the correspondence school, Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu ("Te Kura"), from 1 January 2011.
Section 1 Early Childhood Education Page 4297
Section 2 Adult and Young Adult Students Page 4300
Section 3 Years 1-13 Full-time Students Page 4301
Section 4 Years 1-13 Dual Tuition Provisions Page 4308
Published as a Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, 17 December 2010,
No. 175, page 4295
Section 1
Early Childhood Education (ECE)
The purpose of the ECE enrolment gateways is to provide equity of access to early childhood education for children whose location, health, educational or personal circumstances prevent attendance at a reasonably convenient service.
The two categories are Access and Referral.
Parents/caregivers can self-refer children meeting the criteria for the Access category gateways to Te Kura. ECE enrolments through the Referral category gateways must have the support specified.
Children may be enrolled in a full-time Early Childhood Education programme where they are:
(a) New Zealand citizens or permanent residents or domestic students ; and
(b) under the age of 6 (i.e. 5 years of age or under); and
(c) not enrolled in a primary school, or about to be enrolled within the first two weeks of February that year; and
(d) not enrolled in a licensed and/or chartered ECE service for more than two
four-hour sessions a week; and
(e) within one of the following enrolment categories and fit the criteria for a gateway where a vacancy is available.
A child ceases to be eligible for enrolment when age or changed circumstances mean that the gateway criteria under which they were enrolled are no longer met.
Children whose access to ECE is limited by their rural location and geographic isolation will normally be given first priority for enrolment.
Children approved by Te Kura as eligible for entry but for whom a vacancy is not immediately available will have their names placed on a wait list. Wait-listed children will normally be admitted to Te Kura in age order, oldest first.
Enrolment Categories, Gateways and Entry Criteria
Enrolment Category Gateway Entry Criteria
Access Geographic isolation Child of a family whose geographic location prevents attendance at a licensed and/or chartered English language medium ECE service.
To qualify, the student's home must be:
(a) more than 6km from a licensed and/or chartered English language medium ECE service; or
(b) located behind a geographic barrier (e.g.
un-bridged river), preventing reasonable access
to a licensed and/or chartered English language medium ECE service.
Te Kura will establish entry criteria to ensure access by families with the highest level of need based on distance and accessibility.
Access Itinerancy Child of a family whose itinerancy requires a change of licensed and/or chartered ECE service each school term.
The minimum enrolment period is six months.
Parents/caregivers must provide, at the commencement of enrolment, an itinerary demonstrating that they will change location at least once per term and that each change in location will require a change of licensed and/or chartered ECE service. A written declaration to that effect will also be required.
Te Kura will review these enrolments six monthly. For this review, caregivers will provide a written declaration confirming that they continue to meet the requirements of this gateway.
Referral High health needs Child has a long-term illness or medical condition preventing their attending a licensed and/or chartered ECE service.
Caregivers must provide, each year, a medical certificate from a medical practitioner specialising in the condition preventing attendance, or a referral letter from a General Practitioner to a specialist.
Enrolment Category Gateway Entry Criteria
Referral Special development needs Child has special development needs such that no licensed and/or chartered ECE service able to meet their needs is available within a reasonable distance or travel time.
Caregivers must provide a Ministry of Education - Special Education report detailing the nature of the child's special development needs and immediate teaching needs. This report will include verification that no locally available service is able to meet the child's special development needs.
Referral Special circumstances Child does not fit any ECE gateway, however may be admitted by Te Kura - for example where:
(a) a sibling has a medical condition such as a bone marrow transplant preventing, for reasons of cross-infection, the child attending a licensed and/or chartered ECE service; or
(b) the child's caregiver has a medical condition preventing attendance at a licensed and/or chartered ECE service.
Referral Ministry of Education The child does not fit any ECE gateway, and is not enrolled at any licensed, chartered or certificated ECE service for more than two four-hour sessions per week, and is referred by the Ministry of Education at its discretion as part of its programme to increase participation in ECE.
The Ministry of Education is the referral agency and all referrals must be signed off by a Ministry ECE Manager (or their delegate).
The Ministry referral letter must:
(a) clearly state the Ministry of Education ECE programme in which the child is enrolled and how enrolment in Te Kura meets the objective of that programme; and
(b) provide Te Kura with both Ministry and service provider contact information for the programme in which the child is enrolled; and
(c) set a date for Ministry review to ascertain whether the enrolment in ECE by distance education is still required for the child.
Section 2
Adult and Young Adult Students
Students may be enrolled with Te Kura as an adult student, or as a young adult student where they are:
(a) a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident or domestic student, and
(b) resident in New Zealand.
Enrolment Categories, Gateways and Entry Criteria
Enrolment Category Gateway Entry Criteria
Access Young adult Student is 16 years of age or over and is not attending a school full-time.
Students enrolled under this gateway may remain enrolled up to and including the end of the school year in which the student turns 19 years of age.
Access Adult Adult students may be enrolled for an administration fee.
An adult, for the purposes of enrolment at Te Kura, is:
(a) turning 20 years of age during the year of enrolment, or older; and
(b) not attending a school full-time.
Students enrolled under this gateway may remain enrolled until all assessments for the courses for which they are enrolled are complete or for 12 calendar months, which ever is the sooner.
Section 3
Year 1-13 Full-time Students
The purpose of the full-time enrolment gateways is to provide equity of access to compulsory education for students whose location, itinerancy, educational or personal circumstances prevent attendance at a reasonably convenient school.
The two full-time enrolment categories are Access and Referral.
Students meeting the entry criteria for the Access category gateways can self-refer to Te Kura. Full-time enrolments through the Referral category gateways must be made through the designated agency.
Year 1-13 domestic students may be enrolled in a full-time Primary or Secondary programme at Te Kura where they meet the entry criteria for one of the enrolment gateways identified.
Except for the gateways for non-enrolled students, and for expelled or excluded students, eligibility ceases when changed circumstances mean that the entry criteria for the gateway concerned no longer apply. Year 11-13 students whose circumstances change during term 3 or later may stay enrolled until the end of the school year in question.
Unless otherwise stated:
(a) the minimum period of enrolment is one term, and
(b) the student's continued enrolment is subject to meeting Te Kura's engagement and tuition requirements, and
(c) all enrolments are reviewed by Te Kura on an annual basis or as otherwise specified for a specific category.
Enrolment Categories, Gateways and Entry Criteria
Enrolment Category Gateway Entry Criteria
Access Exceptional arts and sports performance Student is an elite athlete, dancer, musician, sports person or an outstanding actor or performer whose development programme precludes attendance at a reasonably convenient school.
Enrolment applications require a letter of attestation from the formally constituted and recognised national body for the activity:
(a) attesting that the student's exceptional attributes mean that they are likely to either represent
New Zealand or develop to the top of the field for their age-group; and
(b) confirming that the programme planned for their development is appropriate and precludes attendance at a reasonably convenient school; and
(c) advising the likely duration of enrolment; and
(d) providing an educational profile from the student's previous school.
Access Geographic isolation Student is unable to attend a reasonably convenient school because of its distance or inaccessibility from their home.
To qualify, the student's nearest school for their age and or gender, and where the primary language of tuition is English or M?ori, as preferred, or school bus route or public transport must be:
(a) more than 3.2 kilometres from their gateway, increasing to 4.8 kilometres if the student is
10 years of age or over (private road distance does not count); or
(b) located behind a geographic barrier preventing reasonable access to a school, suitable public transport or school bus route.
The Ministry of Education's School Transport Service Agents are the distance confirming agencies.
Enrolment Category Gateway Entry Criteria
Access Itinerancy Student would otherwise need to change schools each term because caregivers are itinerant. The minimum enrolment period is six months.
Parents/caregivers must provide, at the commencement of enrolment, an itinerary demonstrating that they will change location at least once per term and that each change in location will require a change of school. A written declaration to that effect will also be required.
Children supported in a refuge environment are classified an "Itinerant" as their living arrangements are tentative.
Te Kura will review these enrolments six-monthly. For
this review, caregivers will provide a written declaration confirming that they continue to meet the requirements of this gateway.
Access Young parents Student is pregnant or whose primary care responsibility for a child prevents school attendance.
A student who is pregnant or a young parent, and otherwise eligible for a free place in a state or state integrated school, may self-enrol. They may also be referred by a school, caregivers, family or whanau.
Enrolment applications for pregnant students must be supported by a midwife's or medical certificate and where appropriate include an educational report from the student's current school or school previously attended. Where for confidentiality reasons this educational report cannot be obtained Te Kura will manage this directly with the student, their caregivers, family or whanau. After the birth, the student may stay on the Te Kura roll until the end of the school year.
Students enrolled under this gateway who have the primary care responsibility for their child may remain enrolled as a full-time student up to and including the end of the school year in which the student turns 19 years of age.
Enrolment Category Gateway Entry Criteria
Access Overseas students
Group A This group is for New Zealand citizens or New Zealand permanent residents who:
- will be absent from New Zealand for at least six months; and
- need to continue education while overseas, and who are:
- military, diplomatic personnel or others employed by the New Zealand Government whose duties take them overseas, or
- university staff and others on sabbatical leave, or
- teachers recruited by inter-governmental, or non-governmental organisations for service overseas.
Parents/caregivers must make a written declaration that they meet the following criteria for such students to be enrolled:
- No employer subsidy towards the education of the student is provided; and
- they intend to return to New Zealand on completion of the service overseas; and
- there is no suitable local education service available.
The parent/caregiver's employer must also verify all three criteria.
The initial application for enrolment must be made
within 12 months of the departure of the family from
New Zealand. There is no maximum period of enrolment.
Enrolment Category Gateway Entry Criteria
Access Overseas students
Group B This group is for New Zealand citizens or New Zealand permanent residents who;
- prior to the first application have lived in
New Zealand for two consecutive years or more; and
- are travelling or living overseas; and
- will be absent from New Zealand for at least six months; and
- intend returning to New Zealand; and
- whose children need to continue education while overseas; and
- will be either continuing their education within the New Zealand system or be taking up employment in New Zealand.
Parents/Caregivers need to show that they:
- are going to non-English speaking countries where a suitable or comparable New Zealand education system is not available; and require
full-time enrolment as they are unable to obtain admission to a suitable school locally; or
- are candidates for New Zealand national qualifications for which local schools do not cater; or
- require enrolment in specific subjects with Te Kura as they have transferred to an overseas school where New Zealand national qualification subjects taken previously are not available; or
- are in Years 9-10 at the time of departure from New Zealand, and cannot obtain tuition in subjects they wish to advance to New Zealand national qualification level and no suitable subject is available at the school.
Parents/caregivers must make a written declaration that they meet the following criteria for such students to be enrolled:
- No employer subsidy towards the education of the student is provided; and
- there is no suitable local education service available; and
- declare that they intend returning to New Zealand.
The initial application for enrolment must be made
within 12 months of the departure of the family from
New Zealand.
Five years is the maximum total period of enrolment for any one student.
Enrolment Category Gateway Entry Criteria
Referral Child, Youth and Family Student is in the custody and/or guardianship of Child, Youth and Family (CYF).
CYF are the referral agency and all such enrolments require the approval of a CYF manager. The CYF referral letter must:
(a) clearly state the supervision arrangements for the student's study with the School; and
(b) nominate a CYF contact person; and
(c) provide an educational profile, and the name of the previous school; and
(d) set a review period for ascertaining whether a face-to-face schooling option is available and appropriate.
Referral Corrections Student is in the custody of the Department of Corrections.
The Department of Corrections is the referral agency and enrolments will be through a Department manager.
Applications need to specify the likely duration of the enrolment and identify the supervision arrangements. Where available they should be supported by an educational profile. Students enrolled under this gateway may remain enrolled up to and including the end of the school year in which the student turns 19 years of age.
Referral Ministry of Education Student is non-enrolled, expelled or excluded.
The Ministry of Education is the referral agency and all referrals at its discretion must be signed-off by a Ministry Manager (or their delegate).
The Ministry referral letter must:
(a) clearly state the supervision arrangements for the student's study with the School; and
(b) provide an educational profile (where available), and the name of the previous school; and
(c) set a review period for ascertaining whether a face-to-face schooling option is available and appropriate.
Student is under 16 years of age, and is non-enrolled and is unwilling to attend school and the local schools are unwilling to enrol.
Student is under 16 years of age and excluded from school, or is over 16 years of age and expelled.
Enrolment Category Gateway Entry Criteria
Referral Ministry of Education Special Education Psychological/psycho-social grounds
Student has assessed psychological or psycho-social needs verified by a Ministry of Education psychologist.
All referrals must be signed-off by the Ministry Special Education Service Regional Manager (or their delegate).
The Ministry referral letter must:
(a) clearly state the supervision arrangements for the student's study with Te Kura; and
(b) provide an educational profile, and the name of the previous school; and
(c) include a statement from a Ministry of Education psychologist indicating how the psychological or psycho-social issues are to be addressed; and
(d) confirm consideration of how a pastoral care and/or learning support relationship with a reasonably convenient local school might be maintained while the student is enrolled with
Te Kura; and
(e) set a review period for the enrolment
Psychological grounds
The psychological grounds must reside within the individual student and be of sufficient severity to prevent or seriously impede the student from attending a reasonably convenient school.
Psycho-social grounds
The psychological grounds must reside within the individual student. The social grounds must reside within the student's relationships in the wider environment, including their family, whanau and school.
While neither factor on its own might be sufficient, in tandem, there will be good reason for an enrolment recommendation.
Section 4
Dual Tuition
Section 158 of the Education Act 1989 (the Act) provides that, by agreement between the boards concerned, students enrolled at one state or state integrated school may receive tuition at or from another. The board of the school at which the students are enrolled may pay the board of the school giving that tuition for that tuition.
Section 7A of the Act further provides that students of registered private schools may receive tuition from a correspondence school subject to the appropriate fee, if any, prescribed by the board with the Minister of Education's consent.
Schools may register Year 1-13 domestic students with Te Kura for supplementary government funded dual tuition where the entry criteria for one of the registration gateways set by the attached schedules are met.
This supplementary dual tuition is additional government resourcing to that provided schools through operations monies and staffing entitlements, or to registered private schools through the per student subsidy.
The supplementary dual tuition is for curriculum adaptation and for curriculum capability purposes. The curriculum adaptation categories cover circumstances where a student's home school is unable to provide the required specialist programming or curriculum adaptation. The curriculum capability categories are to enable, generally smaller schools, to provide a full and balanced curriculum.
The school at which the students are enrolled retains all legislative accountabilities, including for attendance, while its students are registered for supplementary government funded dual tuition from Te Kura.
All supplementary government funded dual tuition arrangements are subject to a Service Level Agreement (SLA) being in place between the registering school and
Te Kura.
The SLA defines the tuition, supervision and support responsibilities of both parties and the circumstances in which these dual tuition arrangements may be terminated by Te Kura.
Students for whom dual tuition is terminated by Te Kura, because its return of work
and/or course completion requirements has not been met, cannot be re-registered for the course or programme concerned that school year.
Unless otherwise stated:
(a) the minimum period of tuition is one school term; and
(b) all dual tuition arrangements, except those for Regional Health School students, cease automatically at the end of each school year; and
(c) the maximum number of subjects any student may take at any one time is two.
The following schedules set out the dual tuition provisions by student year group and by school type.
Schedule Dual Tuition Provisions For
1 Year 1-13 Students 4311
2 Year 1-8 Students 4313
3 Year 7-8 Students 4315
4 Year 9-13 Students 4316
5 Year 12-13 Students 4318
These school type definitions apply to the Schedules:
Type Explanation
All All state (including state integrated) and registered private schools whose registration covers the year group in question plus government institutions.
Regional Health School The Northern, Central and Southern Regional Health Schools
Special Schools All state special schools.
The exclusion to school type eligibility is that Special Schools cannot access the Year 1-8 Special Education Needs Gateway.
K?ra Kaupapa M?ori A school established under Section 155 of the Education Act 1989.
Designated special character school A school established under Section 156 of the Education Act 1989.
M?ori Medium School A Section 155 school, or a Section 156 school where te reo M?ori is the principal language of instruction.
Attached Unit Any Teen Parent Unit, Activity Centre or Alternative Education programme that is the responsibility of a Board of Trustees of a state or state integrated school.
Government institutions The following Child Youth and Family contracted Care and Protection and/or Youth Justice Residences:
- Epuni Education Programme (MoE Number 4934)
- CLS Residential Youth Justice Education Programme
(MoE Number 5570)
- Te Poutama Arahi Rangatahi Education (MoE Number 4930)
- Kingslea School (MoE Number 518)
- Central Regional Health School - for Palmerston North Care and Protection Unit (MoE Number 1630).
Dual Tuition Schedules
Schedule 1 15 November 2010
Year 1-13 Students
School Type Registration Entry Criteria Subject Limit
Category Gateway
Regional Health School Curriculum adaptation High Health Needs At the request of a Regional Health School (RHS) principal, a student already enrolled with the RHS, may receive dual tuition for all, or part of their learning programme.
The RHS must support each request with an educational plan detailing the learning outcomes sought, confirming that the student has appropriate supervision and advising the reporting and review arrangements for the student's learning programme.
and Government institutions Curriculum adaptation Special Circumstances For students whose special school or government institution is unable to provide the specialist programming or curriculum adaptation appropriate to their assessed special education needs.
At the discretion of Te Kura, supplementary dual tuition applications can be accepted where it is evident that the:
(a) dual tuition is essential to the student's learning circumstances; and
(b) special school or institution does not have the capability to meet the learning needs identified; and
(c) the capability required is beyond what could reasonably be expected of the special school or institution.
Applications must be supported by a current IEP less than six months old. The IEP is to specify the required tuition duration.
All dual tuition arrangements are to be reviewed annually to confirm appropriateness and to identify the steps that the special school or institution is taking to raise its capability to meet the needs of the student concerned.
School Type Registration Entry Criteria Subject Limit
Category Gateway
All Curriculum capability Emergency Staff Vacancy Where a school has an emergency staff vacancy and no suitable applicants are available.
Te Kura may approve Year 1-13 class dual tuition as an emergency measure subject to the enrolling school:
(a) confirming that it is continuing to advertise the vacancy; and
(b) organising classes so that a minimum number of students are enrolled; and
(c) providing appropriate supervision and resources, including text books; and
(d) for Year 1-8 classes confirming that Emergency Staffing Scheme assistance is not available.
Approvals may be granted for a minimum of four weeks and for a maximum of one school term. Approvals can be repeated on a term-by-term basis at the discretion of Te Kura subject to the criteria above.
As approved on application/
Schedule 2
Year 1-8 Students
School Type Registration Entry Criteria Subject Limit
Category Gateway
(except special schools) Curriculum
adaptation Special Education Needs For students whose school or government institution is unable to provide the specialist programming or curriculum adaptation appropriate to their assessed special education needs.
At the discretion of Te Kura, dual tuition applications will be accepted where the programme developed in association with Te Kura contributes to:
(a) overcoming barriers to achievement as identified through the student's Individual Education Plan (IEP); and
(b) the inclusion of the student in the home school.
Applications must be supported by a current IEP less than 6 months old and a statement by the school or institution on the special education assistance already provided to the student.
Schools or institutions receiving this supplementary dual tuition support are expected to undertake a programme of development leading to the school/institution being able to independently provide the specialist programme or curriculum adaptation required.
Reapplications for a successive year are subject to the Te Kura's discretion and must identify the:
(a) progress against the student's IEP from the earlier dual tuition; and the
(b) further achievement and inclusion goals sought.
Up to 75%
of learning programme
(3 courses)
School Type Registration Entry Criteria Subject Limit
Category Gateway
(except private schools) Curriculum adaptation Gifted and Talented Students who are gifted and talented and whose home school is unable to provide the curriculum enrichment and acceleration required.
Applications must be supported by a current IEP less than 6 months old (which may be developed with Te Kura in anticipation of an application).
Registrations, at the request of the principal, and at the discretion of Te Kura will only be accepted where:
(a) PAT, TOSCA, ASTTle or equivalent assessments show that the student is exceptionally able and in the top 5% of their age group, and
(b) the registering school substantiates that:
- the dual tuition is essential to the student's learning programme; and
- it can appropriately supervise and integrate the tuition; and
- it is undertaking a programme of development to enhance their ability to provide similar enrichment and extension programmes.
Schedule 3
Year 7-8 Students
School Type Registration Entry Criteria Subject Limit
Category Gateway
meeting the
entry criteria Curriculum capability Technology This enrolment gateway is for geographically isolated schools with no access to Year 7-8 technology tuition.
The principal may apply to the Ministry of Education for approval to enrol the school's Year 7-8 students with Te Kura for technology tuition.
meeting the
entry criteria Curriculum capability Te Reo Student requires NCEA level Te Reo
The principal of a M?ori Medium school, or the principal of a school offering level 1 M?ori immersion, may apply to the Ministry of Education to register Year 7-8 students for dual tuition in NCEA Level 1 or higher Te Reo M?ori programmes.
Student is transferring from a M?ori Medium School
A Year 7-8 student transferring from a M?ori Medium School, or from a school offering level 1 immersion, to a school unable to offer M?ori language tuition may receive dual tuition in Te Re Reo M?ori. This tuition may continue for Years 9-13 if Te Reo is not available through the student's Year 9-13 school.
Schedule 4
Year 9-13 Students
School Type Registration Entry Criteria Subject Limit
Category Gateway
All Curriculum adaptation These three special circumstance gateways are for Year 9-13 students whose additional educational needs place them at risk
of non-achievement and whose home school is unable to provide the specialist programming or curriculum adaptation required. Applications for reasons of timetable clash are excluded as are applications for domestic students on overseas cultural exchange programmes.
Remedial Teaching Student has specific learning difficulties requiring remedial teaching.
The student must be two or more years below their chronological age in the curriculum area being applied for. Clear evidence must be provided that the dual tuition programme is essential to their circumstances. Dual tuition applications are considered by Te Kura on an individual student basis. This gateway is not for group enrolments.
Reintegration Student is at risk of exclusion or expulsion, or who may otherwise qualify for full-time enrolment with Te Kura through the psychological/psycho-social gateway.
The dual tuition, at the discretion of Te Kura, is to assist the student's reintegration into a local school. The supporting documentation must show that the school, caregivers and other stakeholders (e.g. Ministry of Education) support the purpose of the supplementary dual tuition and that the school can appropriately supervise and support the dual tuition.
Gifted and Talented Student is gifted, exceptional, and studying an additional subject or subjects for which the home school is able to provide supervision and support.
Dual tuition is at the discretion of Te Kura.
PAT, TOSCA or AsTTle or equivalent results must show that the student is in the top 5% of their age group. An IEP must support the application along with evidence that the school can appropriately supervise and support the dual tuition.
School Type Registration Entry Criteria Subject Limit
Category Gateway
All Curriculum capability Subject not available School is unable to offer a Year 9-13 subject
This gateway is to enable all schools with a Year 9-13 roll of less than 600 (excluding international fee-paying students) at the time of application to offer a broader and more balanced curriculum.
Dual tuition is not available in the registering school's language/languages of instruction.
OR 4
Student is on approved cultural exchange to a New Zealand school
Student is on an approved cultural exchange in New Zealand, requires the subjects
on return to the country that they are from, and the subject is not available in their
New Zealand home school.
OR 2
Student has transferred from another school during that year
Short, modular courses do not qualify and the maximum period of dual tuition is for the remainder of the school year.
OR 2
Cultural affinity
Student has a demonstrated family or cultural affinity with a particular ethnic group and requires tuition in that language. 1
Attached units Curriculum capability Subject not available Student is attending an Activity Centre, Teen Parent Unit or Alternative Education placement. 4
Schedule 5
Year 12-13 Students
School Type Registration Entry Criteria Subject Limit
Category Gateway
All Curriculum capability Small Senior Classes School has only a small number of students studying the subject at Year 12 or 13 levels.
The maximum number of students able to be registered for tuition in any subject level is six. Te Kura has the discretion to vary this limit to meet the needs of rural schools with a Year 1-13 student roll, at the time of application, of less than 600.