Notice Type
Notice Title

Marriage Celebrants for 2010 Notice No. 99

Pursuant to the provisions of section 8 of the Marriage Act 1955, the following names of marriage celebrants within
the meaning of the said Act are published for general information:
Bahler, David William, Anglican.
Brown, Peter Francis, Anglican.
Clarke, Lorna, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa NZ.
Coles, Barbara McDonald, Anglican.
Gumbeze, Nyasha, Anglican.
Hayward, Terence Desmond, Anglican.
Holmes, Robert George McAdam, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Houtas, Constantinos, Anglican.
Johnson-Frow, Benjamin Pippin, Anglican.
Kapa, Rau, Anglican.
Lukin, Lance Evan, Anglican.
Malcolm, Scott Alexander Campbell, Baptist.
Mullis, Edward John, Anglican.
Noble, Richard Lloyd George, Anglican.
Paddison, Glenn, Anglican.
Papuni, Takaparae Te Rangatira, Ringatu.
Parker, Cameron Richard, Assemblies of God in
New Zealand.
Parker, Patricia, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Rieger, Robert, Roman Catholic.
Smith, Stephen, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa NZ.
Somerville, Mark Owen, Assemblies of God in
New Zealand.
Stevens, Sarah Michele, Anglican.
Woodbridge, Christina, Anglican.
Woods, Jillian Louise, Anglican.
Dated at Wellington this 2nd day of December 2010.
B. E. CLARKE, Registrar-General.