Notice Title

Appointments/reappointments to the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal

Pursuant to section 87 of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, I appoint
Dr Adelaide Collins
Adriana Gunder
Jane Huria
Amanda Kinzett
Jacob Te Kurapa
Harold O’Rourke
as members of the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal for five-year terms of office commencing on the date of receipt of the letter of appointment; and reappoint
Jacqueline Gunn
Cornelia Roodt
Anna van Uden
Ann Yates
as members of the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal for five-year terms of office commencing on the date of receipt of the letter of appointment.
Dated at Wellington this 31st day of January 2010.
HON TONY RYALL, Minister of Health.