Notice Title

Notice of Direction for Appointment of a Limited Statutory Manager for the Board of Trustees of Clevedon School (1249)

Pursuant to section 78M of the Education Act 1989, I direct the Secretary for Education to appoint a limited statutory manager for the Clevedon School Board of Trustees because of risks to the operation of the school.
The following functions, powers and duties of the board are to be vested in a limited statutory manager:
- All functions, powers and duties of the board as an employer (whether statutory or otherwise);
- all functions, powers and duties of the board to manage financial operations (whether statutory or otherwise);
- all functions, powers and duties of the board to
manage all communications (whether statutory or otherwise) including communications with the media, communications within the school, and communications between the school and its community; and
- all functions, powers and duties of the board to
establish procedures and processes (whether statutory
or otherwise) for the investigation and resolution of complaints to the board.
A limited statutory manager must also advise the board on the following:
- The exercise of its governance powers.
This notice takes effect the day after the date of publication.
Dated at Wellington this 28th day of April 2010.
HON ANNE TOLLEY, Minister of Education.