Notice Type
Notice Title

Notice of Variation to Appointment of Default KiwiSaver Provider KiwiSaver Default Provider (ASB Group Investments Limited) Amendment Notice 2010

Pursuant to sub-sections 180(1)(d) and 180(2) of the KiwiSaver Act 2006 notice is given of a variation to
the instrument of appointment appointing ASB Group Investments Limited as a KiwiSaver Default Provider
Pursuant to clause 10 of the KiwiSaver Default Provider (ASB Group Investments Limited) Notice 2007, the Minister of Finance and Minister of Commerce jointly give the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title (1) This is the KiwiSaver Default Provider
(ASB Group Investments Limited) Amendment Notice 2010.
(2) In this notice, the KiwiSaver Default Provider
(ASB Group Investments Limited) Notice 2007, dated at Wellington on the 2nd day of April 2007*, is called the "principal notice".
2. Commencement This notice comes into force on
the day after the date on which it is published in the
New Zealand Gazette.
3. Schedule 3 Part 4 of the principal notice amended Schedule 3 Part 4 of the principal notice is amended to insert
a new clause after clause 11 that states:
11A To avoid doubt, a conservative investment product under clause 11 may include investment in a range of asset classes, including but not limited to:
listed and unlisted New Zealand equity;
listed and unlisted international equity;
listed and unlisted property;
listed and unlisted infrastructure;
commodities; and
Dated at Wellington this 16th day of March 2010.
HON BILL ENGLISH, Minister of Finance.
HON SIMON POWER, Minister of Commerce.
Explanatory note
This note is not part of the notice, but is intended to indicate its general effect.
This notice, which comes into force on the day after the date on which it is published in the New Zealand Gazette, amends the instrument appointing ASB Group Investments Limited as a KiwiSaver Default Provider.
*New Zealand Gazette, 5 April 2007, No. 39, page 958