Notice Type
General Notices
Notice Title

Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Land

In the matter of section 156 of the Property Law
Act 2007, and in the matter of mortgage 6263473.2
("the mortgage") over the properties at 5, 7, 9 and
9A Mt Charon Place, Hanmer Springs, comprised
in certificates of title 206604, 206605, 206606 and 206607 ("the properties"):
Notice is hereby given that on 21 June 2010, South Canterbury Finance Limited ("the mortgagee"), entered into possession of the properties following the failure of the mortgagor, Hanmer Springs Thermal Resort Apartments Limited, to remedy a default notice served on 12 July 2009.
The registered office of the mortgagee is 19 Sophia Street, Timaru.
Communications regarding the property may be addressed to Anthony Harper Lawyers, Level 9, HSBC Tower,
62 Worcester Boulevard, Christchurch, or to PO Box 2646, Christchurch 8140.
C. R. VINNELL, Solicitor for the Mortgagee.