Notice Title

Education (Matters That an Organisation That Has a Plan Must Include in a Plan Summary For 2011-2013) Notice 2010

Publication Date
18 Nov 2010


Education Act Notices

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Principal Edition, 18 November 2010.
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Pursuant to section 159YO of the Education Act 1989
("the Act"), the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) gives the following notice:
N o t i c e
1. Title-This notice may be cited as the Education (Matters That an Organisation That Has a Plan Must Include in a Plan Summary For 2011-2013) Notice 2010.
2. Commencement-This notice comes into effect on the date it is published.
3. Notice revoked-This notice revokes and replaces the Education (Matters That An Organisation That Has a Plan Must Include in a Plan Summary) Notice 2008, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 17 April 2008, No. 73, page 2055.
4. Content requirements for a Plan summary-In accordance with the requirements of section 159YO(1), the TEC prescribes the matters that an organisation that has a Plan must include in a Plan summary, as follows:
(i) Plan Context
An outline of the particular factors that the organisation has considered and intends to respond to in its Plan, including:
- Government priorities in the Tertiary Education Strategy (TES);
- mission, role and functions, and how these relate to the outcomes the organisation intends to achieve;
- how it will improve its educational performance;
- the needs of learners, particularly Maori and Pacific peoples and young people under 25 years, and the needs of industry and employers; and
- any key initiatives and/or changes planned in
its core activities related to the outcomes the organisation is seeking to achieve through its proposed Plan.
Key background information about the organisation and its operating environment, including a summary of the nature and scope of the organisation's functions and intended operations, should also be included in the Plan Context.
Tertiary education institutions need to include additional information to ensure that the proposed Plan contains a forecast statement of service performance that reflects the full scope of its activities. This fulfils legislative requirements and generally accepted accounting principles.
(ii) Summary of Activity
Information on planned delivery over the period of the proposed Plan. The Summary of Activity should include information about:
- Student Achievement Component (SAC) or Industry Training Fund learner numbers by
New Zealand Qualifications Framework level;
- other planned programmes and activities, including learner numbers, funded by the TEC;
- total TEC funding sought;
- planned learner numbers in more detail if requested by the TEC; and
- a brief description of other outcomes, programmes and activities not funded by the TEC.
(iii) Performance Commitments
This part should set out proposed performance commitments and the associated indicators used in evaluating performance. This includes:
- achievement against Government priorities in the TES;
- meeting the needs of learners, particularly Maori and Pacific peoples and young people under
25 years of age, and the needs of industry and employers;
- improving educational performance for SAC or Industry Training funded provision;
- other TEC-funded programmes and activities; and
- any key initiatives and/or changes related to the outcomes the organisation is seeking to achieve through its proposed Plan, as outlined in the Plan Context.
Nothing in this notice requires an organisation to include in its Plan summary information which would:
(a) disclose a trade secret; or
(b) be likely to unreasonably prejudice the commercial position of the organisation; or
(c) prejudice or disadvantage the commercial activities of the organisation.
Dated at Wellington this 15th day of November 2010.
DR ROY SHARP, Chief Executive, Tertiary Education Commission.