Notice Type
Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Notice Title

Notification of Clarification of the Standard Terms Determination on Telecom’s Sub-loop Unbundled Copper Local Loop Network Service ("Sub-loop UCLL"), Telecom’s Sub-loop Unbundled Copper Local Loop Network Co-location Service

("Sub-loop Co-location") and Telecom’s Sub-loop Unbundled Copper Local Loop Network Backhaul Service ("Sub-loop Backhaul")
On 18 June 2009, the Commerce Commission ("Commission") made a standard terms determination, under section 30M of the Telecommunications Act 2001 ("the Act"), in respect of the designated access services of Telecom’s Sub-loop Unbundled Copper Local Loop Network Service ("Sub-loop UCLL"), Telecom’s Sub-loop Unbundled Copper Local Loop Network Co-location Service ("Sub-loop Co location") and Telecom’s Sub-loop Unbundled Copper Local Loop Network Backhaul Service ("Sub-loop Backhaul") ("Decision 672").
On 3 December 2009, Decision 672 was amended by Decision 687.
Clarification Decision 687 made amendments to the following areas of Decision 672:
- The definition of "Distribution Cabinet" and the requirement to give notice of any network changes to Distribution Cabinets in relation to the Sub-loop Backhaul service;
- the formula for determining the monthly charge for the Sub-loop Backhaul service;
- the process for making market share assessment calculations in relation to the Sub-loop Co-location service;
- the lead-time for Access Seekers to provide equipment to Telecom’s supplier manufacturing the Distribution Cabinets, which is referred to in the definition of the "First Assessment Date"; and
- the requirement for access seekers to give service level terms performance reports to Telecom (Chorus).
Pursuant to section 58(2) of the Act, the Commission is required to give public notice that it has amended Decision 672 for the purposes of making a clarification under section 58(1) of the Act.
Decision 687 sets out the amendments made and a copy of the clarification is available on the Commission’s website at
Date of Clarification: 3 December 2009.