Notice Title

HACIENDA HOLDINGS LIMITED (receivers of income appointed) ("the company")

Publication Date
29 Apr 2010


Receiverships Act Appointment of receivers of income

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Notice of Appointment of Receivers of Income
Pursuant to Section 8(1) of the Receiverships Act 1993
Company No.: 606945
Malcolm Grant Hollis, of Christchurch, and Maurice George Noone, of Auckland, both chartered accountants, were appointed joint and several receivers of the income of the company on 19 April 2010 under the terms of a general security agreement dated the 19th day of June 2009.
The Property in Receivership is: The company’s income of the property charged by the general security agreement.
The Receivers of Income’s Office Address is and Enquiries May be Directed to: PricewaterhouseCoopers, 119 Armagh Street (PO Box 13244), Christchurch. Telephone: (03) 374 3128. Facsimile: (03) 374 3001 (Attention: Jim Barber).
Dated this 19th day of April 2010.
MALCOLM GRANT HOLLIS, Receiver of Income.