Corrigendum—Notice of Treaty of Waitangi Settlement Place Names for Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapu
In a notice with the above heading published in the New Zealand Gazette, 9 July 2009, No. 99, page 2258, please replace:
“Whakapoungakau Range Range Located west of Lake Okataina, extending generally northerly and then north-easterly from Millar Road to just west of the Okataina Outdoor Education Centre on Lake Okataina Road, topographic maps 260-U15-Ngongotaha, GR 092 408, to 260-U16-Rotorua, GR 057 329. New name for a feature not named on current mapping.”
“Whakapoungakau Range Range Located west of Lake Okataina, extending generally northerly and then north-easterly from Millar Road to just west of the Okataina Outdoor Education Centre on Lake Okataina Road, topographic maps 260-U15-Ngongotaha, GR 092 408, to 260-U16-Rotorua, GR 057 329. New name for a feature not named on current mapping.”
Dated at Wellington this 5th day of November 2009.
W. K. SHAW, Secretary, New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.