Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Notice Redefining the Beneficiaries of a Maori Reservation

On the recommendation of the Maori Land Court, the
Maori land referred to in the Schedule, as set out in
the New Zealand Gazette, 29 March 1979, No. 25, page 989, was set aside as a Maori reservation.
Pursuant to section 338(5)(d) of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993, the persons or class of persons for whose use and benefit the said Maori reservation is made are hereby redefined from being for the common use and benefit of those tribes of the Waikato-Maniapoto area loyal to Queen Te Atairangikaahu to those tribes of the Waikato-Maniapoto area loyal to Queen Te Atairangikaahu and her successors.
South Auckland Land District
All that piece of land situated in Blocks II and III Rangiriri Survey District described as follows:
ha Description
21.8530 (more or less)
Lot 23B Whangape Parish.
Dated at Wellington this 13th day of July 2009.
LEITH COMER, Chief Executive.
Ministry of Maori Development.
(MLC HO 2/3/1/3; DO Appln A20080014571)