Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Notice Redefining the Purposes of a Maori Reservation

Pursuant to section 338(5)(c) of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993, on the recommendation of the Maori Land Court, the purposes for which the Maori reservation in respect of
the land described in the Schedule hereto was created
by notice published in the New Zealand Gazette,
13 September 1979, No. 84, page 2695, are hereby redefined for the purposes of a meeting place, a building site, a whanau landing place, a fishing ground, an urupa, a papakainga,
a catchment area or other source of water supply, a sports and recreation ground, a place of cultural, historical and scenic interests, a bathing place, a church site, a spring, he wahi tapu and a pa site, for the common use and benefit of the descendants of Henare Keremeneta and his wife Hira Euera Te Ngara.
Wellington Land District
All that piece of land situated in Block II, Taumatamahoe Survey District and described as follows:
ha Being
Whakaihuwaka C3A, as created by partition order of the Maori Land Court, dated the 27th day of July 1918 and being all the land in Computer Freehold Register WN364/156.
Dated at Wellington this 12th day of May 2009.
L. COMER, Chief Executive.
Ministry of Maori Development.
(MLC HO 2/3/1/6; DO Appln A20080001576)