In the notice with the above heading published in the New Zealand Gazette, 8 July 1982, No. 76, page 2163, please replace:
"Chatham Islands Nomenclature. All those feature names as shown on Sheets 1 and 2. (Total of 299 names in all.)"
"Chatham Islands Nomenclature. All those feature names as shown on Sheets 1 and 2, totalling 262 names in all. The names of these 262 unique features are specified in the first column of the Schedule below, and relate to the geographic feature type listed in the second column of the said Schedule, and to the positional coordinate listed in the third column of the said Schedule, and are described in the fourth column of the said Schedule.
Wellington Land District-Chatham Islands
NOTE: All positions in terms of Chatham Islands Transverse Mercator 2000 projection.
First Column Second Column Third Column Fourth Column
Place Name Geographic Feature Type Coordinate Description
Point Alison Point 5 149 600 mN 3 470 400 mE Point on north-west coast of Chatham Island, 4km west of Waitangi West
Awamata Stream Stream 5 124 500 mN 3 487 900 mE Stream running north-west to coast 1km east of Point Durham, south-west Chatham Island
Awamutu Creek Stream 5 158 700 mN 3 492 900 mE Creek running north from Rangitihi (hill) and east of Wharekauri locality, northern Chatham Island
Awapauka Creek Stream 5 127 000 mN 3 505 200 mE Creek running north-east to confluence with Mangahou Creek, Chatham Island
Awatotara Creek Stream 5 121 600 mN 3 489 200 mE Creek running west to coast 3km north of Point Gap, south-west Chatham Island
Big Bush Locality 5 139 600 mN 3 497 300 mE Locality 8km north of Waitangi, Chatham Island
Blind Reef Reef 5 153 400 mN 3 522 400 mE Reef in centre of bay between Point Munning and Okawa Point, north-east Chatham Island
Blind Jims Creek Stream 5 153 800 mN 3 494 700 mE Creek running north-east to bay north of Cattle Point, northern Chatham Island
Boundary Rock Rock 5 119 200 mN 3 509 600 mE Rock 500m offshore, 1km south-west of Boundary trig, south-east Chatham Island
Canister Cove (Waikokopu) Bay 5 088 700 mN 3 521 700 mE Bay on south-east coast of Pitt Island (Rangiauria), facing South East Island (Rangatira)
Cascade Gorge Gorge 5 114 600 mN 3 497 300 mE Gorge running in south-east direction on south coast of Chatham Island, 8km east of Cape L'Eveque
The Castle (Rangiwheau) Island 5 094 300 mN 3 513 000 mE Island 5km west of Pitt Island (Rangiauria), 4km east of Sail Rock
Cattle Point Point 5 150 500 mN 3 496 300 mE Point in north-east of Te Whanga Lagoon,
north-west of Chudleigh Scenic Reserve, northern Chatham Island
Cemetery Point Point 5 153 600 mN 3 496 000 mE Point in north-west of Te Whanga Lagoon, 8km
north-west of Inia William Tuuta Memorial Aerodrome, northern Chatham Island
Chatham Island Island 5 154 200 mN 3 496 000 mE Largest island in Chatham Islands group
Mount Chudleigh Hill 5 156 800 mN 3 494 400 mE Hill, 188m, in north of Chatham Island, 5km
south-east of Cape Young, trig Mt Chudleigh on summit (geodetic code BAUN)
Cloughs Creek Stream 5 121 800 mN 3 512 200 mE Creek running north to coast 1km south-east of Owenga, Chatham Island
Cuba Channel Channel 5 142 700 mN 3 468 000 mE Channel on western coast of Chatham Island between Point Somes and Western Reef
Mount Diffenbach (Hemokawa) Hill 5 150 900 mN 3 483 600 mE Hill, 134m, 4km north of Port Hutt locality,
north-western Chatham Island, trig Hemokawa
(Mt Diffenbach) located on summit (geodetic code BARQ)
Point Dorset Point 5 145 700 mN 3 483 600 mE Point on southern side of entry to Port Hutt (Whangaroa Harbour), north-western Chatham Island
Point Durham Point 5 125 200 mN 3 485 400 mE Point at southern extent of Petre Bay Chatham Island, 12km south-west of Waitangi
Ellice Point Point 5 132 400 mN 3 494 800 mE Point 500m north of Waitangi on north-east face of Tikitiki Hill, north-west of Hanson Point, central Chatham Island
Fancy Rock Rock 5 084 000 mN 3 527 900 mE Rock 3km south-east of South East Island (Rangatira) in Chatham Islands group
Flower Pot (Onoua) Locality 5 099 400 mN 3 520 800 mE Town on north-west coast of Pitt Island (Rangiauria)
Cape Fournier Cape 5 120 600 mN 3 514 000 mE Cape at south-east extremity of Chatham Island
French Reef Reef 5 155 600 mN 3 508 400 mE Reef 1km north of Ocean Mail Point, northern Chatham Island
Point Gap Point 5 118 300 mN 3 486 800 mE Point on west coast of Chatham Island, 6km north-west of Cape L'Eveque
Gillespie Creek Stream 5 120 600 mN 3 504 800 mE Creek running north-east to coast in Hanson Bay, 2.5km north-west of Owenga, Chatham Island
Glory Bay Bay 5 090 900 mN 3 523 800 mE East facing bay on south-east coast of Pitt Island (Rangiauria), 9km south-east of Flower Pot (Onoua)
Green Point Point 5 111 700 mN 3 492 300 mE Point on south-west coast of Chatham Island, 3km east of Cape L'Eveque
Hakepa Hill 5 096 500 mN 3 525 700 mE Prominent hill, 231m, 2km west of Kahuitara Point, eastern Pitt Island (Rangiauria), trig on summit named G1 Hakepa (geodetic code BARP)
Hanson Bay Bay 5 138 700 mN 3 510 000 mE Large bay on eastern coast of Chatham Island between Okawa Point and Manuaku Point
Hanson Point Point 5 132 200 mN 3 495 000 mE Point north of Waitangi at western extent of Waitangi Bay, central Chatham Island
Hapua Hill Hill 5 093 200 mN 3 523 200 mE Distinct knob, 95m, 1km north-west of Waipaua locality, 6km south-east of Flower Pott (Onoua), Pitt Island (Rangiauria), trig on summit (geodetic code BARN)
Hapupu Locality 5 148 500 mN 3 511 300 mE Locality on north-eastern corner of Te Whanga Lagoon, near Te Hapupu Aerodrome
Hawaiki Creek Stream 5 121 200 mN 3 510 500 mE Creek running north to coast at Owenga, Chatham Island
Hay's Monument Memorial 5 145 600 mN 3 471 100 mE Monument 2.5km north-east of Point Somes,
north-west Chatham Island
Heaphy Shoal Shoal 5 129 600 mN 3 491 300 mE Shoal off south-east coast of Petre Bay between Point Durham and Kanunene Point, central Chatham Island
Henga Locality 5 142 500 mN 3 496 700 mE Locality in central Chatham Island, 2km south of Kairakau locality
Hikurangi Channel Channel 5 134 000 mN 3 506 700 mE Channel connecting Te Whanga Lagoon to Hanson Bay and Pacific Ocean, Chatham Island
Hokopoi Hill 5 151 000 mN 3 487 200 mE Hill, 151m, 6km north-east of Port Hutt locality,
north-west Chatham Island, trig X Hokopoi is located at summit (geodetic code BARR)
Island Island 5 114 900 mN 3 498 100 mE Island on southern coast of Chatham Island, 800m north-east of Cascade Gorge mouth
Lake Huro Lake 5 132 500 mN 3 499 000 mE Lake to east of Waitangi and west of Te Whanga Lagoon, Chatham Island
Port Hutt Locality 5 146 700 mN 3 483 100 mE Locality adjacent to Port Hutt (Whangaroa Harbour), south coast of north-western Chatham Island
Island Reef Reef 5 144 800 mN 3 482 700 mE Reef 1km south-west of Point Dorset, north-west Chatham Island
Jenny Reef Reef 5 125 800 mN 3 484 800 mE Reef 500m north-west of Point Durham, south-western Chatham Island
Kahiti Creek Stream 5 120 700 mN 3 504 200 mE Creek running north-east to coast in Hanson Bay, 4km north-west of Owenga, Chatham Island
Kahuitara Point Point 5 096 900 mN 3 527 600 mE Point at eastern extremity of Pitt Island (Rangiauria)
Kahunene Point Point 5 131 900 mN 3 493 700 mE Point on western coast of Chatham Island, 1km west of Waitangi
Kahunene Hill 5 131 800 mN 3 494 100 mE High point, 75m, above Kahunene Point, central Chatham Island, trig on summit named Kahunene
No 2 or G2 Kahunene (geodetic code BARW)
Kahupiri Point Point 5 147 400 mN 3 504 500 mE Point on eastern coast, towards centre of Te Whanga Lagoon, northern Chatham Island
Lake Kaimoumi Lake 5 153 400 mN 3 508 900 mE Lake on northern coast of Chatham Island, 4km west of Lake Rangitai
Lake Kaingarahu Lake 5 145 800 mN 3 509 800 mE Lake on eastern coast of Chatham Island, 2.5km south of Hapupu locality
Kaingaroa Harbour Harbour 5 155 500 mN 3 519 400 mE North facing harbour adjacent to Kaiangaroa locality, north-east Chatham Island
Kaingaroa Locality 5 155 700 mN 3 518 400 mE Locality in north-east Chatham Island, on west side of Kaiangaroa Harbour
Kaiparakau Point Point 5 139 900 mN 3 498 600 mE Point on west coast of Te Whanga Lagoon, 2km
south-east of Moreroa locality, Chatham Island
Lake Kairae Lake 5 142 300 mN 3 508 000 mE Lake on eastern coast of Chatham Island, 6km
south-west of Hapupu locality
Kairakau Locality 5 144 000 mN 3 496 400 mE Locality in central Chatham Island, 2km north of Henga locality
Kapangatakahu Hill 5 129 400 mN 3 498 900 mE Hill, 109m, located on small ridge south of Te Awatea Homestead, 2km south of Lake Huro, 4km south-east of Waitangi, trig on summit named
B Kapangatakahu (geodetic code BARX)
Karewa Point Point 5 147 400 mN 3 504 500 mE Point on western coast of Te Whanga Lagoon at end of Inia William Tuuta Memorial Aerodrome, northern Chatham Island
Karore Locality 5 113 700 mN 3 495 400 mE Locality in south-west Chatham Island, 6km east of Cape L'Eveque
Kawhaki Creek Stream 5 114 800 mN 3 489 500 mE Creek running south-west to coast south of Otawae Point, south-west Chatham Island
Kiringe Creek Stream 5 120 900 mN 3 488 300 mE Creek running west to coast 2km north of Point Gap, south-west Chatham Island
Ko Oreao Point Point 5 116 100 mN 3 500 700 mE Point on southern coast of Chatham Island, 12km
north-east of Cape L'Eveque
Kokope Island 5 098 100 mN 3 525 800 mE Island near eastern coast of Pitt Island (Rangiauria), between Tupuangi locality and Kahuitara Point
Lake Koomutu Lake 5 154 000 mN 3 506 100 mE Lake on northern coast of Chatham Island, 500m west of Lake Wharemanu
Korako Hill 5 151 500 mN 3 493 700 mE Hill, 178m, 5km north-east of Paritu locality, 1.5km north-east of Lake Rotoeka, northern Chatham Island
Koromaunga Hill 5 153 000 mN 3 519 500 mE Hill, 36m, located on low ridge 2km north-west of Okawa Point, north-east Chatham Island, trig on summit (geodetic code BAT3)
Koropapa Hill 5 138 100 mN 3 507 200 mE Hill, 18m, located on sand dune between Te Whanga Lagoon and Hanson Bay, trig on summit named Koropapa No 2 or Beta 2 Koropapa (geodetic code BAT5)
Kotokehere Hill 5 141 900 mN 3 506 500 mE Hill, 16m, on sand hill between Hanson Bay and
Te Whanga Lagoon, Chatham Island, trig on summit named O Kotokehere (geodetic code BAT6)
Cape L'Eveque Cape 5 112 400 mN 3 489 200 mE Cape on south-west extent of Chatham Island
Little Awatotara Creek Stream 5 122 000 mN 3 487 000 mE Creek running south-west to coast 1km north-west of Awatotara Creek, south-west Chatham Island
Little Mangere
Island (Tapuaenuku)
The Fort Island 5 095 300 mN 3 514 500 mE Island south-west of Mangere Island, 5km west of Waihere Bay, Pitt Island (Rangiauria)
Long Beach Beach 5 144 500 mN 3 493 000 mE Beach to east of Petre Bay, between Paritu locality and Red Bluff, central Chatham Island
Long Pond Lake 5 139 500 mN 3 506 800 mE Pond south-west of Taia Bush Scenic Reserve, Chatham Island
Mairangi Locality 5 158 600 mN 3 489 500 mE Locality 1.5km south of Cape Young, northern Chatham Island
Makara River Stream 5 120 600 mN 3 500 400 mE River running north-east to confluence with
Te Awainanga River, Chatham Island
Maku Creek Stream 5 146 600 mN 3 476 200 mE Creek running south to Ocean Bay, north-west Chatham Island
Lake Makuku Lake 5 143 700 mN 3 508 700 mE Lake on eastern coast of Chatham Island, 5km
south-west of Hapupu locality
Manapo Reef Reef 5 150 900 mN 3 520 500 mE Reef 500m south-west of Okawa Point, north-east Chatham Island
Mangahau Stream Stream 5 126 000 mN 3 493 400 mE Stream running north-east from Whakamarino to Nairn River, south-west Chatham Island
Mangahou Creek Stream 5 121 200 mN 3 502 700 mE Creek running north-east, then north-west to confluence with Awapuka Creek and then confluence with Te Awainanga River, Chatham Island
Mangahu Locality 5 125 600 mN 3 498 700 mE Locality 4km south-east of Waitangi, Chatham Island
Mangape Creek Stream 5 131 500 mN 3 497 400 mE Creek running west from Lake Huro to Nairn River, Chatham Island
Mangatu Stream Stream 5 129 500 mN 3 502 900 mE Stream running north-east to southern end of
Te Whanga Lagoon, Chatham Island
Mangere Island Island 5 096 200 mN 3 516 500 mE Island 3km west of Waihere Bay, Pitt Island (Rangiauria)
Manukau Point Point 5 122 500 mN 3 513 800 mE Point at southern extent of Hanson Bay, east coast of Chatham Island, 3km east of Chatham Island
Lake Marakapia Lake 5 143 700 mN 3 495 600 mE Lake in central Chatham Island, 1km west of Kairakau locality
Matakatau Creek Stream 5 127 000 mN 3 491 800 mE Creek running north-west then north to coast south of Heaphy Shoal, south-west Chatham Island
Matakitaki Hill 5 147 100 mN 3 473 200 mE Hill, 155m, north-western peninsula of Chatham Island, trig B1 Matakitaki located on summit (geodetic code BAT7)
Matanginui Creek Stream 5 149 000 mN 3 495 200 mE Creek running north-east to bay south of Cattle Point, north of Chudleigh Scenic Reserve, northern Chatham Island
Lake Matangirau Lake 5 117 500 mN 3 493 700 mE Lake 4km south-west of Maungatere Hill, south-west Chatham Island
Matarakau Hill 5 155 500 mN 3 512 300 mE Headland, 36m, on north coast of Chatham Island, north of Lake Rangitai, trig named Matarakau No 3 and W3 Mararakau located on summit (geodetic code BAT9)
Matarangi Locality 5 133 800 mN 3 498 200 mE Locality on coast of Petre Bay, 3km north-east of Waitangi, Chatham Island
Maunganui Beach Beach 5 152 200 mN 3 480 200 mE Beach on north-west coast of Chatham Island, 5km north of Port Hutt
Maunganui Hill 5 151 900 mN 3 477 800 mE Hill, 178m, 3km south-east Cape Pattisson, north-west Chatham Island, trig Maunganui No 2 located on summit (geodetic code BAUF)
Maungatere Hill Hill 5 120 300 mN 3 496 200 mE Hill, 294m, in south-west Chatham Island, 10km
north-east of Cape L'Eveque
McClatchie Reef Reef 5 132 700 mN 3 494 300 mE Reef north of Point Weeding, central Chatham Island
Mihitoroa Point Point 5 152 500 mN 3 500 000 mE Point on northern coast of Te Whanga Lagoon, south of Wharo locality, northern Chatham Island
Moreroa Locality 5 141 300 mN 3 497 500 mE Locality in central Chatham Island, 10km north of Waitangi
Moriori Creek Stream 5 117 600 mN 3 488 500 mE Creek running north-west then south-west to coast south of Point Gap, south-west Chatham Island
Moropunga Island Island 5 152 600 mN 3 500 800 mE Island in Te Whanga Lagoon, 1km north-east of Mihitoroa Island, northern Chatham Island
Motuariki Hill Hill 5 154 900 mN 3 490 300 mE Hill, 125m, 5km south of Cape Young, northern Chatham Island
Island Island 5 137 700 mN 3 500 900 mE Island in Te Whanga Lagoon, 8km north-east of Waitangi, Chatham Island
Motuhou Point Point 5 141 800 mN 3 498 200 mE Point on western coast of Te Whanga Lagoon, 1km north-east of Moreroa locality, Chatham Island
Motuporoporo Hill 5 151 600 mN 3 489 400 mE Hill, 112m, 4.5km north of Paritu locality, northern Chatham Island, trig Motuporoporo No 2 is located on summit (geodetic code BAUK)
Moturangaranga Island Island 5 135 900 mN 3 505 400 mE Island in Te Whanga Lagoon, 2km north-west of Hikurangi Channel, Chatham Island
Motutapu Point Point 5 101 200 mN 3 522 000 mE Point at northern tip of Pitt Island (Rangiauria)
Moutapu Point Point 5 145 300 mN 3 501 700 mE Point on edge of Te Whanga Lagoon, 1km south of Inia William Tuuta Memorial Aerodrome, Chatham Island
Point Munning Point 5 156 400 mN 3 523 800 mE Point at eastern extremity of Chatham Island
Murumuru Hill 5 087 200 mN 3 520 700 mE Hill, 185m, located on south facing cliff at southern tip of Pitt Island (Rangiauria), trig on summit named G1 Murumuru (geodetic code BAUP)
Murumuru Locality 5 087 100 mN 3 519 900 mE Locality at southern tip of Pitt Island (Rangiauria)
Nairn River Stream 5 126 000 mN 3 495 300 mE River running north to Waitangi Bay, Chatham Island
Napper Point Point 5 146 500 mN 3 484 700 mE Point on northern side of entry to Port Hutt (Whangaroa Harbour), north-western Chatham Island
Ngatikitiki Stream Stream 5 151 900 mN 3 484 800 mE Stream running north-west from un-named lake to Maunganui Beach, north-west Chatham Island
North-East Reef (Terangi-taumaewa) Reef 5 096 100 mN 3 529 500 mE Reef 2km east of Kahuitara Point, Pitt Island (Rangiauria)
Nukuau Creek Stream 5 147 700 mN 3 501 400 mE Creek running north-east, north of Inia William Tuuta Memorial Aerodrome, Chatham Island
Ocean Bay Bay 5 145 600 mN 3 476 800 mE Bay on south coast of north-west peninsula of Chatham Island, midway between Point Somes and Port Hutt
Ocean Mail Point Point 5 154 500 mN 3 509 500 mE Low point on north facing beach, 10km west of Kaiangaroa locality, northern Chatham Island
Oehau Hill 5 122 500 mN 3 489 100 mE High point, 4.5km south-east of Point Durham,
south-west Chatham Island, trig K Oehau is located on summit (geodetic code BAUQ)
Ohira Bay 5 147 600 mN 3 488 300 mE Bay 2km west of Paritu locality, north-western Chatham Island
Ohuru Hill 5 138 000 mN 3 499 600 mE Hill, 27m, located on western coast of Te Whanga Lagoon, 1.5km west of Motuhinahina Island, trig on summit named N Ohuru (geodetic code BAUR)
Okahu Point Point 5 157 700 mN 3 496 200 mE Point on northern coast of Chatham Island, 4km west of Taupeka Point
Okawa Point Point 5 151 000 mN 3 520 900 mE Point at northern extent of Hanson Bay, north-east Chatham Island
Old Man Reef Reef 5 124 700 mN 3 511 600 mE Reef in Hanson Bay, 1km north of Owenga, Chatham Island
Omatuku Rock Rock 5 156 400 mN 3 521 500 mE Rock off coast, north of Pukerakei, 2km west of Point Munning, north-east Chatham Island
Opuriri Point 5 119 500 mN 3 511 400 mE Point on south-east coast of Chatham Island, 3km west of Cape Fournier
Oringi Creek Stream 5 146 700 mN 3 500 500 mE Creek running south-east to bay in Te Whanga Lagoon north of Waikato Bay, Chatham Island
Oropuke Hill 5 117 400 mN 3 499 200 mE Hill, 287m, on high point on southern Chatham Island, 2km north-west of Ko Oreao Point, trig on summit named I Oropuke (geodetic code BAUT)
Otawae Point Point 5 114 300 mN 3 488 100 mE Point 2km north-west of Cape L'Eveque and 4km south of Point Gap, south-west Chatham Island
Otoi Creek Stream 5 145 800 mN 3 475 000 mE Creek running east into Ocean Bay, north-west Chatham Island
Owenga Locality 5 123 300 mN 3 511 500 mE Town at southern end of Hanson Bay, eastern coast of Chatham Island
Pakauwera Pond Lake 5 154 400 mN 3 500 900 mE Pond towards northern coast of Chatham Island, 1km north-east of Wharo locality
Paritu Locality 5 147 400 mN 3 490 300 mE Locality at north-eastern corner of Petre Bay, northern end of Long Beach, northern Chatham Island
Passage Rock Rock 5 088 600 mN 3 523 600 mE Rock midway between Pitt Island (Rangiauria) and South East Island (Rangatira) in Chatham Islands group
Lake Pateriki Lake 5 153 600 mN 3 535 500 mE Lake on north coast of Chatham Island, 3km south-west of Kaiangaroa locality
Petre Bay Bay 5 140 200 mN 3 492 000 mE Major bay on central-west coast of Chatham Island
Pinnacles Rock 5 119 100 mN 3 506 500 mE Rock structure 100m south of Chatham Island, 7km south-west of Cape Fournier
Pitt Strait Strait 5 106 700 mN 3 509 600 mE Strait between Chatham and Pitt Islands
Pitt Island (Rangiauria) Island 5 096 700 mN 3 522 500 mE Island 22km south-east of Chatham Island
Port Hutt
(Whangaroa Harbour) Harbour 5 146 900 mN 3 483 200 mE Harbour on south coast of north-western Chatham Island, adjacent to Port Hutt locality
Porua Creek Stream 5 129 900 mN 3 494 300 mE Creek running east into Nairn River, 2km south of Waitangi, central Chatham Island
Pounui Creek Stream 5 145 800 mN 3 480 200 mE Creek running south-east to coast between Ocean Bay and Island Reef, north-west Chatham Island
Puhina Hill 5 159 800 mN 3 489 500 mE Hill, located on Cape Young, trig on summit named Z2 Puhina (geodetic code BAV1)
Lake Pukawa Lake 5 118 600 mN 3 495 200 mE Lake 2km south of Maungatere Hill, south-west Chatham Island
Pukerakei Hill 5 155 600 mN 3 520 800 mE Hill, 55m, 1km east of Kaingaroa Harbour, north-east Chatham Island, trig on summit named Pukerakei
No 2 or V2 Pukerakei (geodetic code BAV3)
Creek Stream 5 157 300 mN 3 492 100 mE Creek running west from Rangitihi (hill) to Lake Waikauia, northern Chatham Island
The Pyramid (Tarakoikoia) Island 5 078 100 mN 3 520 800 mE Island 11km south-east of South East Island (Rangatira), Chatham Islands group
Rabbit Island Island 5 099 400 mN 3 517 400 mE Island north-west of Tarawhenua Point, Pitt Island (Rangiauria)
Rakautahi Locality 5 148 500 mN 3 490 600 mE Locality 1.5km north of Paritu locality, northern Chatham Island
Lake Rakeinui Lake 5 115 900 mN 3 493 500 mE Lake 5km north-east of Cape L'Eveque, south-west Chatham Island
Rangaika Hill 5 119 100 mN 3 503 400 mE Hill, 264m, located on south coast of Chatham Island, 4km north-east of Ko Oreao Point, trig on summit named S Rangaika (geodetic code BAV4)
Rangatira Hill 5 087 600 mN 3 526 100 mE Hill, 120m, located on highest point of eastern ridge of South East Island (Rangatira) in Chatham Islands group, trig on summit named Rangitira (not assigned geodetic code)
Rangiauri Hill 5 146 100 mN 3 508 400 mE Hill, 17m, a small knob on eastern Chatham Island, 4km east of Inia William Tuuta Memorial Aerodrome, trig on summit named P Rangiauri (geodetic code BAV5)
Rangiauria Point Point 5 090 000 mN 3 518 500 mE Point on south-west coast of Pitt Island (Rangiauria), 10km south of Flower Pot (Onoua)
Rangihapainga Hill 5 128 900 mN 3 504 900 mE Hill, 49m, located on ridge near mouth of
Te Awainanga River, Chatham Island, trig on summit named C Rangihapainga (geodetic code BAV8)
Lake Rangitai Lake 5 154 500 mN 3 512 400 mE Large lake in north-east Chatham Island
Rangitane Hill 5 121 400 mN 3 503 500 mE Hill, 225m, located on ridge on Southern Chatham Island, 2km north of Rangaika trig, trig on summit named E Rangitane (geodetic code BAV9)
Rangitihi Hill 5 157 000 mN 3 493 700 mE Hill, 149m, on low ridge 800m west of Mount Chudleigh, northern Chatham Island, trig on summit named V Rangitihi (geodetic code BAVA)
Rapanui Locality 5 136 600 mN 3 498 700 mE Locality on Chatham Island, 3km north of Lake Huro, 6km north-east of Waitangi
Red Bluff Point 5 137 500 mN 3 496 400 mE Bluff in Petre Bay, 6km north of Waitangi, Chatham Island
Renweeks Reef Reef 5 118 600 mN 3 510 600 mE Reef 1km south of Boundary trig, south-east coast of Chatham Island
Rongotea Creek Stream 5 146 900 mN 3 471 000 mE Stream running north then west to Te Raki Bay, north-west Chatham Island
Lake Rotoeka Lake 5 151 000 mN 3 492 300 mE Lake 1.5km south-west of Korako (hill), northern Chatham Island
Lake Rotokawau Lake 5 154 000 mN 3 492 800 mE Lake in northern Chatham Island, 7km south-east of Cape Young
Lake Rotoparaoa Lake 5 146 800 mN 3 492 700 mE Lake to east of Long Beach, 2km south-east of Paritu locality, northern Chatham Island
Lake Rotorua Lake 5 152 900 mN 3 516 800 mE Lake on north coast of Hanson Bay, 3km south-west Kaiangaroa locality, north-east Chatham Island
Round Rock (Rangituka) Rock 5 085 100 mN 3 513 700 mE Rock 7km south-west of Pitt Island (Rangiauria), 3.5km west of South Reef
Sail Rock Rock 5 094 200 mN 3 508 400 mE Rock 10km west of Pitt Island (Rangiauria), 4km west of The Castle (Rangiwheau)
Second Water
Creek (Waipapaku) Stream 5 094 100 mN 3 522 500 mE Creek running west to coast 1.5km north-east of Waipaua locality, Pitt Island (Rangiauria)
The Sisters (Rangitatahi) Island 5 174 500 mN 3 475 100 mE Island group 38km north-west of Cape Pattisson, Chatham Island
Point Somes Point 5 143 900 mN 3 469 300 mE Point on north-west coast of Chatham Island
South Reef Island 5 085 100 mN 3 517 500 mE Reef 3km south-west of Pitt Island (Rangiauria)
South East Island (Rangatira) Island 5 087 200 mN 3 526 500 mE Island 2km south-east of Pitt Island (Rangiauria) in Chatham Islands group
Stony Creek Stream 5 149 100 mN 3 487 900 mE Creek running south-west to coast 1km west of Paritu locality, north-western Chatham Island
Stony Hill Hill 5 123 800 mN 3 485 700 mE Hill, 36m, 1.5km south of Point Durham, south-west Chatham Island
Sugar Loaf Island 5 096 000 mN 3 517 300 mE Island midway between Mangere Island and Pitt Island (Rangiauria)
Tahatika Creek Stream 5 152 600 mN 3 485 900 mE Creek running north-west from Hokopoi to Maunganui Beach, north-western Chatham Island
Lake Taia Lake 5 140 700 mN 3 507 600 mE Lake on sand bar between Hanson Bay and
Te Whanga Lagoon, Chatham Island
Takapu Locality 5 155 500 mN 3 489 700 mE Locality 500m north-west of Motuariki Hill, northern Chatham Island
Takehanga Stream Stream 5 150 700 mN 3 482 400 mE Stream generally running north-west to Maunganui Beach, north-west Chatham Island
Tangoio Creek Stream 5 147 700 mN 3 471 000 mE Creek running west from un-named lake to coast,
north-west Chatham Island
Taoroa Locality 5 151 900 mN 3 480 400 mE Locality on north-west coast of Chatham Island, south of Maunganui Beach
Tapuangi-Monau Reef Reef 5 152 800 mN 3 473 000 mE Reef 500m west of Cape Pattisson, north-west Chatham Island
Tapuaranga Reef Reef 5 120 200 mN 3 514 100 mE Reef south-east of Cape Fournier, south-east Chatham Island
Tarawhenua Point Point 5 099 600 mN 3 517 900 mE Point on north-west tip of Pitt Island (Rangiauria), 3km west of Flower Pot (Onoua)
Tauaropa Stream Stream 5 125 600 mN 3 498 700 mE Stream running north, then north-east from confluence with Te Mata o Pakihau Stream to
Te Awainanga River, Chatham Island
Taupeka Point Point 5 157 100 mN 3 500 500 mE Point on northern coast of Chatham Island, 2km north-east of Taupeka locality
Taupeka Locality 5 155 900 mN 3 498 700 mE Locality near north coast of Chatham Island, 2km south-west of Taupeka Point
Tauraropa Creek Stream 5 120 700 mN 3 498 500 mE Stream running north to confluence with Tauaropa Stream, south-west Chatham Island
Tawirikoko Hill 5 148 600 mN 3 481 700 mE Hill, 109m, 2km north-west of Port Hutt, north-west Chatham Island, trig Tawirikoko No 2 located on summit (geodetic code BAVD)
Te Awainanga
River Stream 5 128 000 mN 3 502 900 mE River running east then north to southern edge of
Te Whanga Lagoon, Chatham Island
Te Awanui Island Island 5 145 400 mN 3 494 300 mE Island on northern coast of Chatham Island, 2km north of Mount Chudleigh, 1.5km east of Wharekauri locality
Te Awatapu Rock Rock 5 116 800 mN 3 502 900 mE Offshore rock, 2.5km east of Ko Oreao Point, southern Chatham Island
Te Hapupu Hill 5 149 000 mN 3 512 500 mE Hill, 20m, on sand dune, 1km north-east of Hapupu locality, northern Chatham Island, trig on summit named Te Hapupu No 2 (geodetic code BAVF)
Te Koparuparu Bay Bay 5 144 800 mN 3 469 500 mE Bay between Te Raki Point and Point Somes,
north-west Chatham Island
Te Mata o Pakihau Stream Stream 5 121 000 mN 3 494 500 mE Stream running north-east to confluence with Tauaropa Stream, Chatham Island
Te Matarae Point Point 5 134 000 mN 3 502 400 mE Point on western coast of Te Whanga Lagoon, opposite Hikurangi Channel, Chatham Island
Te Moko Creek Stream 5 146 600 mN 3 477 700 mE Creek running south-west to Ocean Bay, north-west Chatham Island
Te One Creek Stream 5 120 400 mN 3 506 200 mE Creek running north-east to coast in Hanson Bay, 2km west of Owenga, Chatham Island
Te One Locality 5 134 700 mN 3 498 300 mE Locality on Chatham Island, 500m north-west of Lake Huro, 4km north-east of Waitangi
Te Outa Beach 5 088 700 mN 3 525 900 mE Landing beach on northern coast of South East Island (Rangatira) in Chatham Islands group
Te Pukaha Hill 5 145 800 mN 3 496 700 mE Hill, 64m, in central Chatham Island, 2km north of Kairakau locality, trig on summit named R Te Pukaha (geodetic code BAVG)
Te Puke Hill Hill 5 150 500 mN 3 477 200 mE Hill 3km east of Waitangi West locality, north-west Chatham Island
Te Raki Bay Bay 5 146 400 mN 3 469 700 mE Bay north of Te Raki Point, north-west Chatham Island
Te Raki Point Point 5 145 500 mN 3 468 400 mE Point at western extremity of Chatham Island, 1km north of Point Somes
Te Ranga Hill 5 134 000 mN 3 501 200 mE Hill, 54m, located midway between Te Matarae Point and Lake Huro, Chatham Island, trig on summit named A Te Ranga (geodetic code BAVH)
Te Rangaapene Hill 5 121 600 mN 3 513 400 mE Hill, 102m, located on ridge north of Cape Fournier, south-east Chatham Island, trig on summit named
D Te Rangaapene (geodetic code BAVJ)
Lake Te Rangatapu Lake 5 114 400 mN 3 492 800 mE Lake 4km north-east of Cape L'Eveque, 2km south of Lake Rakeinui, south-west Chatham Island
Te Roto Lake 5 146 000 mN 3 493 200 mE Lake to east of Long Beach, 3km south-east of Paritu locality, northern Chatham Island
Lake Te Wapu Lake 5 154 700 mN 3 519 100 mE Lake south of Kaiangaroa Harbour, north-east Chatham Island
Te Whakahewa
(The Horns) Point 5 112 900 mN 3 489 000 mE Rock feature on coast north of Cape L'Eveque,
south-west Chatham Island
Te Whanga Lagoon Lagoon 5 144 200 mN 3 503 000 mE Large lagoon in north of Chatham Island
Te Whata Hill 5 124 600 mN 3 489 100 mE Hill, 136m, situated to south of high point 3.5km east of Point Durham, trig on summit named J Te Whata (geodetic code BAVL)
Te Whenuhau Hill 5 137 400 mN 3 496 600 mE Hill, 74m, on high point above Red Bluff, Chatham Island, trig on summit named H Te Whenuhau (geodetic code BAVM)
Tennants Lake Lake 5 145 400 mN 3 494 300 mE Lake to east of Long Beach, 4km south-east of Paritu locality, northern Chatham Island
Tikitiki Hill Hill 5 132 200 mN 3 495 000 mE Hill 500m north-west of Waitangi, central Chatham Island
Tioriori Creek Stream 5 154 400 mN 3 491 800 mE Creek flowing south-west from vicinity of Mount Chudleigh to Tutuiri Creek, northern Chatham Island
Tioriori Locality 5 152 500 mN 3 487 800 mE Locality 2km north-west of Motuporporo (hill), northern Chatham Island
Titihaukai Island Island 5 145 400 mN 3 505 100 mE Island in centre of Te Whanga Lagoon, between Karewa Point and Kahupiri Point, northern Chatham Island
Titirangi Locality 5 148 100 mN 3 499 800 mE Locality on coast of Te Whanga Lagoon, midway between Cattle Point and Karewa Point, Chatham Island
Tokatapu Shoal Shoal 5 133 000 mN 3 508 200 mE Shoal in Hanson Bay, 1km south-east of Hikurangi Channel, Chatham Island
Tuku a tamatea
River Stream 5 118 500 mN 3 489 500 mE River running south-west from Maungatere Hill then north-west to coast north of Point Gap, south-west Chatham Island
Lake Tuku a taupo Lake 5 118 700 mN 3 497 800 mE Lake in southern Chatham Island, 2km south-east of Maungatere Hill
Tupuangi Locality 5 099 800 mN 3 524 500 mE Locality on north-east coast of Pitt Island (Rangiauria), 3.5km east of Flower Pot (Onoua)
Turanga Rock Rock 5 127 000 mN 3 487 600 mE Rock 500m from shore, 3km north-east of Point Durham, central Chatham Island
Tutuiri Creek Stream 5 154 000 mN 3 488 400 mE Creek running west from Korako (hill) to coast, northern Chatham Island
Waihere Bay Bay 5 096 900 mN 3 520 700 mE West facing bay on west coast of Pitt Island (Rangiauria), 3km south Flower Pot (Onoua)
Waihere Hill 5 095 000 mN 3 520 700 mE Hill, 241m, located on high point to south of Waihere Bay, western Pitt Island (Rangiauria), trig on summit named I1 Waihere (geodetic code BAVP)
Waihi Creek Stream 5 152 200 mN 3 476 000 mE Creek running from Te Puke Hill north-west to Waitangi West Beach, north-west Chatham Island
Waikato Bay Bay 5 144 700 mN 3 499 700 mE Bay in Te Whanga Lagoon, north of Waikato point, 2km south-west of Inia William Tuuta Memorial Aerodrome, Chatham Island
Waikato Point Point 5 143 900 mN 3 499 700 mE Point on coast of Te Whanga Lagoon to south of Waikato Bay, 2km south-west of Inia William Tuuta Memorial Aerodrome, site of abandoned flying boat base, Chatham Island
Lake Waikauia Lake 5 157 600 mN 3 489 900 mE Lake at coast fed by Punakokowai Creek, 2.5km south of Cape Young, northern Chatham Island
Waikawa Island Island 5 134 600 mN 3 504 500 mE Island in Te Whanga Lagoon opposite Hikurangi Channel
Waimahana Creek Stream 5 147 800 mN 3 496 000 mE Creek running north-east to Te Whanga Lagoon south of Chudleigh Scenic Reserve, Chatham Island
Waipapa Creek Stream 5 150 500 mN 3 493 700 mE Creek running north-east to bay north of Cattle Point, northern Chatham Island
Waipaua Stream Stream 5 092 500 mN 3 521 800 mE Stream running west to coast at Waipaua, Pitt Island (Rangiauria)
Waipaua Locality 5 092 400 mN 3 524 000 mE Locality on the west coast of Pitt Island (Rangiauria), 8km south-east of Flower Pot (Onoua)
Waipurua Bay Bay 5 143 800 mN 3 472 400 mE Bay on south coast of north-west peninsula of Chatham Island, 3km east Point Somes
Waipurua Creek Stream 5 114 200 mN 3 489 500 mE Creek running west to coast south of Otawae point, south-west Chatham Island
Wairarapa Creek Stream 5 129 900 mN 3 496 100 mE Creek running north to Nairn River, Chatham Island
Wairua Hill 5 152 000 mN 3 509 400 mE Hill, 25m, located on small knob on north-east coast of Te Whanga Lagoon, north Chatham Island, trig on summit named U Wairua (geodetic code BAVR)
Waitaha Creek Stream 5 154 800 mN 3 495 500 mE Creek running east from Waitaha to Te Whanga Lagoon, northern Chatham Island
Waitaha Locality 5 154 800 mN 3 494 500 mE Locality in northern Chatham Island, 6.5km
south-east of Cape Young
Waitamaki Creek Stream 5 144 500 mN 3 498 900 mE Creek running north-east from Karirakau to Waikato Bay, Te Whanga Lagoon, Chatham Island
Waitangi Bay Bay 5 132 500 mN 3 496 300 mE Bay at south-east corner of Petre Bay, central Chatham Island
Waitangi West Locality 5 149 600 mN 3 474 400 mE Locality on north-west coast of Chatham Island at southern end of Waitangi West Beach
Waitangi Locality 5 131 600 mN 3 495 100 mE Town in Waitangi Bay, central Chatham Island
Waitangi West
Beach Beach 5 151 200 mN 3 475 100 mE Beach on north-west coast of Chatham Island, north of Waitangi West locality
Washout Creek Stream 5 150 200 mN 3 480 300 mE Creek running north-east then north to Maunganui Beach, north-west Chatham Island
Waterfall Creek Stream 5 119 700 mN 3 488 500 mE Creek running west to coast 1km north of Point Gap, south-west Chatham Island
Point Webb Point 5 132 600 mN 3 494 600 mE Point 1km north-west of Waitangi on north face of Tikitiki Hill, central Chatham Island
Point Weeding Point 5 132 600 mN 3 494 200 mE Point 1km north-west of Waitangi on north-west face of Tikitiki Hill, central Chatham Island, trig IT Point Weeding located at summit (geodetic code BAUX)
Western Reef Reef 5 140 100 mN 3 465 800 mE Reef 5km south-west of Point Somes
Whakamarino Hill 5 123 400 mN 3 490 700 mE Hill, 237m, on flat ridge 5.5km south-east of Point Durham, south-west Chatham Island, trig on summit named L Whakamarino (geodetic code BAVQ)
Whangamoe Inlet Bay 5 147 800 mN 3 485 200 mE Bay 2km east of Port Hutt locality, north-western Chatham Island
Whangatete Inlet Bay 5 147 700 mN 3 486 800 mE Bay 3.5km east of Port Hutt locality, north-western Chatham Island
Wharekauri Locality 5 158 300 mN 3 493 100 mE Locality 3km south-east of Cape Young, northern Chatham Island
Lake Wharemanu Lake 5 153 600 mN 3 506 700 mE Lake on northern coast of Chatham Island, 1km west of Lake Kainoumi
Lake Wharo Lake 5 154 700 mN 3 499 600 mE Lake near northern coast of Chatham Island, 2.5km south of Taupeka point
Wharo Locality 5 153 700 mN 3 499 800 mE Locality in Northern Chatham Island on coast of
Te Whanga Lagoon, 3km south of Taupeka Point
Cape Young Cape 5 160 400 mN 3 489 700 mE Cape at northern extremity of Chatham Island"
Dated at Wellington this 15th day of May 2009.
W. K. SHAW, Secretary, New Zealand Geographic Board Ng? Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.