Notice Title

Amendment to the Anglers Notice for Fish and Game Regions

Pursuant to section 26R(3) of the Conservation Act 1987, the Anglers Notice for Fish and Game Regions, Supplement to the
New Zealand Gazette, 18 August 2009, No. 121, page 2753, is amended by deleting the following reference in the notice
for Wellington Fish and Game Region at page 2775, lines 1 to 4, as follows:
“Rangitikei River upstream from the Matawhero Road Bridge (commonly called the Mangaohane Bridge) to the Ohinewaione Stream confluence All year FS 2 Maximum 550mm”
and replacing it with:
“Rangitikei River upstream from the Matawhero Road Bridge (commonly called the Mangaohane Bridge) to the Ohinewaione Stream confluence 1 Oct – 30 Apr FS 2 Maximum 550mm”
Dated this 24th day of September 2009.
HON KATE WILKINSON, Associate Minister of Conservation (under an Instrument of Delegation from the Minister of Conservation dated 24 March 2009).