Notice Title

ACC Board Levy Recommendations for 2010/11 to the Minister for ACC

Under the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act 2001, the ACC Board has now recommended levy rates for the 2010/11 year to the Minister for ACC. In recommending these levy rates, the board has considered submissions received as part of the public consultation process, which took place between 14 October and 10 November 2009.
The ACC Board’s recommendations are not binding on the Minister, who will obtain further advice before making recommendations to Cabinet. Cabinet is expected to decide on the final 2010/11 levy rates in December 2009. The Minister for ACC will announce the rates once they are decided.
The ACC Board levy recommendations are summarised as follows (GST exclusive):
Who pays- Levy component Current 2009/10 rate 2010/11 rates
consulted on 2010/11 rates recommended to the Minister
and self-employed people *
(invoiced directly by ACC) Levy rate for work claims in 2010/11
Levy rate for injury claims prior to 1999
Combined average levy rate per $100 liable earnings $0.75
$1.31 $1.18
$1.89 $1.18
Note: These are average rates. Individual rates for industry groups may increase or decrease based on recent experience. Individual rates will be finalised and incorporated into levy regulations once the Government has set the average rates.
Earners’ *
Levy rate for non-work claims in 2010/11 per $100 liable earnings
Levy rate for pre-1999 non-work claims
Composite non-work levy rate per $100 liable earnings
Motorists (through licensing fees and
petrol levy) Average motor vehicle levy for 2010/11 claims
Average motor vehicle levy for pre-1999 claims
Average combined levy per vehicle
* Self-employed people and non-PAYE shareholders also pay the composite earners’ non-work levy
^ The recommended composite earners’ non-work levy rate for 2010/11, including GST is $2.80 ($1.70 in 2009/10)
The Board’s 2010/11 levy recommendations to the Minister for ACC must be based on the legislation currently in force. The above rates do not include any effects of the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment Bill (2009) that is currently before Parliament.
For a copy of the detailed recommendations and any other information that accompanied the recommendations made to the Minister for ACC, you can:
- email:; or
- write to: Levy Consultation, ACC, P O Box 242, Wellington 6140; or
- visit us on our website: