Notice Type
Notice Title

Marriage Celebrants for 2009 Notice No. 75

Pursuant to the provisions of section 11 of the Marriage Act 1955, the following names of marriage celebrants within
the meaning of the said Act are published for general information:
Angus, Phillippa Cathryn, 34 High Street, Glenholme, Rotorua.
Harawira, Stephanie, 4 Skybird Place, Glen Eden, Waitakere City.
Hoko, Joyce Hine Te Ata, 59 Hei Hei Place, Turangi.
Lange, Caitrin Jennifer, 8/221 Lincoln Road, Henderson, Auckland.
Marshall, Daniel Ian, 16A Waterton Place, Avondale, Auckland.
Mason, Te-Whiti-Orongomai Patrick, 6328 South Road, Pungarehu.
Payne, Warren Sherwood, 3/47 Boyce Avenue,
Mt Roskill, Auckland.
Tsoi, Poutama Sik-Wai, 2/46 St Vincent Avenue, Remuera, Auckland.
Witana, Reihana Riki, 13 Te Ahu Street, Kaitaia.
Dated at Wellington this 17th day of September 2009.
B. E. CLARKE, Registrar-General.