Notice Title

Marriage Celebrants for 2008 Notice No. 106

Publication Date
11 Dec 2008


Marriage Act Lists of marriage celebrants

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Pursuant to the provisions of section 8 of the Marriage Act 1955, the following names of marriage celebrants within
the meaning of the said Act are published for general information:
Banks, Philip William, Anglican.
Bate, Sam, Anglican.
Beijerling, Immo Kimball, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Brown, Graeme, Anglican.
Brown, Mark, Anglican.
Bua, Jared, Christian Missionary Alliance of Auckland.
Chow-Vun, Helen, Anglican.
Coleman, Julia, Anglican.
Conland, Ross, Liberal Catholic Church.
Dent, Lisa, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Dunk, Michael, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Edwards, Elgin Arthur, Anglican.
Fenton, Sue, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa
New Zealand.
Fretwell, James, New Life Churches of New Zealand.
Glenderran, Natasha, Anglican.
Goodwin, Richard John, Baptist.
Hansen, Michael Morton, Anglican.
Harris, Sarah, Anglican.
Harris, Timothy James, Anglican.
Harvey, Betty Anne, Anglican.
Hawken, Dianne, Anglican.
Hayward, Grant, Anglican.
Ho, Regina, Christian Missionary Alliance of Auckland.
Keen, Denise, Anglican.
Kim, Hyung-Nam, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Lai, Anita, Christian Missionary Alliance of Auckland.
Lane, Allister, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa
New Zealand.
Lee, James, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa
New Zealand.
Ligaliga, Anetone, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
McKenzie, Timothy, Anglican.
Means, Megan, Anglican.
Miller, Anne, Anglican.
Mills, Shelley, Anglican.
Mitchison, Valerie, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Molyneux, Joanna, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Molyneux, Peter, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
O’Loughlin, Allen, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
O’Loughlin, Elizabeth, Assemblies of God in
New Zealand.
Perkinson, Neil Donald, Anglican.
Pinner, Cheri, Anglican.
Poludore, Tadi Wundi Damien, Baptist.
Price, Sarah Anne, Anglican.
Schwaninger, Ryan, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Scott, Christine Margaret, Anglican.
Scott, Matthew Anthony, Baptist.
Shankar, James, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Sinclair, Janine Margaret, Anglican.
Smyth, Yvonne, Anglican.
Spence, Robert, Anglican.
Stewart, Alison, Anglican.
Stewart, Camille, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Sunderland, Graham, Assemblies of God in
New Zealand.
Tang, Ing Tiong, Methodist.
Traill, Eileen, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Tucker, Lee, Anglican.
Walters, Gareth, Anglican.
Williams, Geoffrey Mervyn, Anglican.
Zoutenbier, Jack, Assemblies of God in New Zealand.
Dated at Wellington this 11th day of December 2008.
B. E. CLARKE, Registrar-General.