Notice Title

Guidelines Issued to Ethics Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology

The Advisory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ACART) has updated the following guidelines issued to the Ethics Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ECART) on 22 November 2007, and published in the New Zealand Gazette, 29 September 2007, No. 130, page 3375.
? Guidelines on Surrogacy Arrangements involving Providers of Fertility Services
? Guidelines on Donation of Eggs or Sperm between Certain Family Members.
The guidelines have been updated to include the following guidance on terms used:
In these guidelines, unless the context indicates otherwise, words should be interpreted in
accordance with definitions given in the Human
Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2004 and the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Order 2005.
Pursuant to sections 36(2) and (4) of the Human
Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2004, copies of
the guidelines are available from the Advisory
Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ACART), PO Box 5013, Wellington 6145. Telephone: (04) 816 2666. Email:
The guidelines are available online at
Dated at Palmerston North this 13th day of November 2008.
SYLVIA RUMBALL, Chair, Advisory Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology.