Notice Title

Fisheries (Declaration of Mataitai Reserve at Waikawa Harbour/Tumu Toka and Appointment of Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki) Notice 2008 (No. F458)

Pursuant to Regulations 20, 21 and 22 of the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999, the Minister of Fisheries hereby gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title—This notice may be cited as the Fisheries (Declaration of Mataitai Reserve at Waikawa Harbour/
Tumu Toka and Appointment of Tangata Tiaki/ Kaitiaki) Notice 2008.
2. Commencement—This notice shall come into effect
on the 28th day after the date of its notification in the
New Zealand Gazette.
3. Interpretation—In this notice:
(a) “mataitai reserve” means the identified traditional fishing ground described in clause 4 of this notice.
(b) “Tangata Kaitiaki/Tiaki” means any person or persons appointed as Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki for the mataitai reserve under Regulation 21 of the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999.
4. Declaration of a mataitai reserve—The Minister of Fisheries hereby declares a mataitai reserve over four areas within Waikawa Harbour, Porpoise Bay, Curio Bay and the lower section of the Waikawa River in The Catlins. The four areas that make up the mataitai reserve include fisheries waters within:
Porpoise Bay and Curio Bay (Tumu Toka)
(a) A line commencing at the southern shoreline of Curio Bay at 46°39.88'S 169°05.75'E; then
(b) proceeding south to a point at 46°40.19'S 169°05.74'E; then
(c) proceeding north-east to a point at 46°39.70'S 169°07.34'E; and then
(d) proceeding north-west to a point on the Porpoise Bay beach at 46°39.12'S 169°06.24'E; then following mean high water springs generally south to the point of commencement.
Main Waikawa Harbour
(e) A line commencing at a point east of Trypot Bay at 46°38.75'S 169°08.85'E; then
(f) following mean high water springs generally
north along the east side of Waikawa Harbour and continuing up the true left bank of the Waikawa River to a point approximately 1km north of the road bridge at Niagara 46°35.41'S 169°08.31'E; then
(g) proceeding west to the opposite, true right bank of the Waikawa River and then proceeding generally south following the true right bank of the Waikawa River and following the mean high water springs along the west side of Waikawa Harbour to a point just north of the Waikawa jetties at 46°37.82'S 169°08.47'E; then
(h) proceeding north to a point at 46°37.78'S 169°08.48'E; then
(i) proceeding east to a point at 46°37.86'S 169°08.97'E; and then
(j) proceeding south-west to a point at 46°38.03'S 169°08.79'E; then proceeding south to the point of commencement.
North of the old quarry
(k) A line commencing from a point just west of the Waikawa Harbour jetties at 46°37.91'S 169°08.28'E; and then
(l) proceeding south to a point north of the old quarry at 46°38.18'S 169°08.23'E; then following mean high water springs to the point of commencement.
South of the old quarry
(m) A line commencing at a point east of the old quarry at 46°38.24'S 169°08.39'E; and then
(n) proceeding south-east to a point at 46°38.39'S 169°08.47'E; then following mean high water springs to the point of commencement.
5. Appointment of Tangata Kaitiaki/Tiaki—Stephanie Blair, Gail Thompson and Vincent Leith are hereby appointed as Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki for the above mataitai reserve. The appointment is for a term of up to five years.
6. Commercial fishing prohibited area—Commercial fishing within the above mataitai reserve is hereby prohibited under Regulation 24 of the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999.
7. Power to authorise taking of fisheries resources for customary food gathering—The Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki may authorise any individual to take fisheries resources managed under the Fisheries Act 1996 for customary food gathering purposes from within the whole or any part of the mataitai reserve. No customary fishing may take place in
the mataitai reserve without authorisation from the Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki.
Dated at Wellington this 7th day of September 2008.
HON JIM ANDERTON, Minister of Fisheries.