Notice Title

Appointments to Conservation Boards

Publication Date
28 Aug 2008


Conservation Act Appointments/reappointments

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Pursuant to sections 6P(8) and 6R(1) of the Conservation Act 1987, I, Stephanie Anne Chadwick, Minister of Conservation, hereby appoint the persons named hereunder to serve as members of the specified conservation boards for terms commencing on the date of publication of this notice or
1 September 2008, whichever is the later, and expiring on 31 August 2011:
Members Appointed Location
Kevin Evans Ruawai
Helen (Judi) Gilbert Whangarei
Julia (Julie) Gordon Waipu
Kenneth (Ken) Ross Kerikeri
Peter Berg Auckland
William (Bruce) Davies Warkworth
Mark Woolford Auckland
Denise Yates Waitakere City
Wynefield (Wyne) Johns Hamilton
Lois Livingston Hamilton
David Taipari Ngatea
Mary (Liz) Wedderburn Raglan
Bay of Plenty
Maureen Burgess Te Puke
Roger Pikia Hamilton
Hera Smith Rotorua
Margrietha Theron Rotorua
East Coast/Hawke’s Bay
June Graham Taradale
Christopher Marsh Whangara
Turinga Mokomoko Opotiki
Pauline Tangiora Mahia
Donald Cameron Rattihi
Sarah Gibb Turangi
Peter Masters Taupo
Richard (Garth) Oakden Turangi
Rex Hendry New Plymouth
Donald McIntyre Inglewood
Darryn Ratana Wanganui
Richard Steedman Taihape
Te Rakaherea (Ra) Pomare Porirua
Liana Poutu New Plymouth
Toni (Haami) Te Whaiti Featherston
Chatham Islands
Judith Lanauze Chatham Island
Charles Landis Dunedin
Ross Hall Nelson
Ian Mitchell Blenheim
West Coast Tai Poutini
Hamish Macbeth Kongahu
Richard Nichol Westport
Kim Thomas Westport
Canterbury Aoraki
Malcolm (Mal) Clarborough Christchurch
Stephen Lowndes Banks Peninsula
Fiona Musson Leeston
Eric Spurr Rangiora
Charles (Chas) Morris Wanaka
Mark Planner Cromwell
Abigail Smith Dunedin
Charles (Chas) Tanner Port Chalmers
Ian Buick Te Anau
Muriel Johnstone Riverton
Helen McPhail Gore
Ian Wilson Stewart Island
In addition, pursuant to section 6R(4A) and 6R(4B) of the Conservation Act 1987, I, Stephanie Anne Chadwick, Minister of Conservation, hereby appoint the persons
named hereunder to serve as members of the specified conservation board for terms commencing on the date
of publication of this notice or 1 September 2008, whichever is the later, and expiring on 31 August 2009.
Member Appointed Location
Robin Lieffering Little Monro Bay
Canterbury Aoraki
Peter Foley Waimate
Dated at Wellington this 20th day of August 2008.
HON STEVE CHADWICK, Minister of Conservation.