Notice Type
Notice Title

Alternative Constitution for the Board of Trustees of Buller High School (301)

Pursuant to section 105A of the Education Act 1989,
I hereby approve the following constitution for the board of trustees of Buller High School:
? The principal;
? up to three ministerial appointees;
? up to two parent elected trustees; and
? up to two trustees co-opted by the board.
The appointment or co-option of a trustee may be for a term not exceeding three years.
The parent elected trustees will be elected in accordance with sections 96(2) and 101 of the Education Act 1989
(“the Act”) and the Education (School Trustees Election) Regulations 2000 (“Election Regulations”).
For the first elections for parent elected trustees, a returning officer will be appointed by the commissioner and will carry out the duties in accordance with the Election Regulations.
For any subsequent elections for parent elected trustees, a returning officer will be appointed by the board and will carry out the duties in accordance with the Election Regulations.
Casual vacancies for elected trustees which arise in accordance with section 104 of the Act will be filled
in accordance with section 105 of the Act.
This notice takes effect the day after the date of its publication.
Dated at Wellington this 30th day of June 2008.
HON CHRIS CARTER, Minister of Education.