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Notice of Making of Gas (Downstream Reconciliation) Rules 2008

1. Pursuant to section 43R of the Gas Act 1992
(“Act”), I notify the making of the Gas (Downstream Reconciliation) Rules 2008 (“Rules”) under section 43Q of the Act.
2. The empowering provision for the gas governance regulation in relation to which the Rules are made is section 43F(2)(a).
3. The purpose of the Rules is to establish a set of uniform processes that will enable the fair, efficient, and reliable allocation and reconciliation of downstream gas quantities.
The Rules provide for:
(a) the appointment of an allocation agent; and
(b) processes for the:
(i) provision of gas injection and consumption information; and
(ii) allocation by the allocation agent of daily gas quantities for each calendar month to retailers at gas gates; and
(iii) reconciliation of downstream gas quantities; and
(c) mandatory information disclosure and reporting by the allocation agent, allocation participants and the industry body; and
(d) ancillary matters related to the process of allocation and reconciliation such as funding by industry participants and audits.
4. Copies of the Rules are available:
(a) for inspection, free of charge:
(i) at the head office of the Ministry of Economic Development, 33 Bowen Street, Wellington, and at the head office of Gas Industry Company Limited, Level 9, State Insurance Tower,
1 Willis Street, Wellington (during normal office hours); and
(ii) on the websites of the Ministry of Economic Development
and Gas Industry Company Limited
(b) for purchase at the head office of Gas Industry Company Limited, Level 9, State Insurance Tower, 1 Willis Street, Wellington.
Dated at Wellington this 26th day of May 2008.
DAVID PARKER, Minister of Energy.
Publication Date
29 May 2008

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