Notice Title

Application to Take Marine Mammals

Pursuant to sections 4 and 5 of the Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978, the Minister of Conservation notifies that she has received a retrospective application from
Liz Hay on behalf of Te Papa Tongarewa – Museum of New Zealand, dated 19 February 2008, to take whalebone from dead whales.
The whalebone is already in the museum collection.
A copy of the application can be obtained from the Department of Conservation, Marine Conservation Unit,
PO Box 10420, Wellington.
Any person wishing to make a submission on this application can do so by writing to the Manager, Marine Conservation Unit, Department of Conservation, PO Box 10420, Wellington, within 28 days after publication of this notice.
Unless a person making a submission states to the contrary in the submission, that person will be deemed to give his/her consent to the release under the Official Information Act 1982 of all the information in the submission.
Dated this 21st day of February 2008.
KEVIN O’CONNOR, General Manager Resource, Development and Improvement Division (pursuant to
an instrument of delegation dated 11 July 2007).