Notice Title

Foundation Custodians Limited

Publication Date
3 Jul 2008


Property Law Act Appointment of receivers of income

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Principal Edition, 3 July 2008.
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Notice of Appointment of Receiver of Income
Pursuant to Section 8 of the Property Law Act 2007
Foundation Custodians Limited (“the mortgagee”) is
the mortgagee under memorandum of mortgage 7480838.4 (North Auckland Registry) dated the 30th day of July
2007 (“the mortgage”) given by Vivo Proprietary Limited (“the mortgagor”) in favour of the mortgagee and
affecting the land in Computer Freehold Register 139833 (North Auckland Land Registry) being the property known as 11 Bootmaker Avenue, Waipu (“the land”).
The mortgagor is in default under the mortgage and the mortgagee is entitled to appoint a receiver of the income from the land or any part of it, upon such default.
The mortgagee hereby appoints Judy Guy, c/o Bream Bay Realty Limited, to be receiver of the income of the land with all the powers conferred upon a receiver in terms of the mortgage and by the law.
The receiver shall at all times be the agent of the company and not of the mortgagee.
Dated this 24th day of June 2008.
This advertisement is inserted by:
GERARD JUSTIN TOEBES, Solicitor for Foundation Custodians Limited.
Address for Service: Buddle Findlay, Level 17, State Insurance Tower, 1 Willis Street, Wellington.