Notice Type
Notice Title

Pharm-Austral Pty Ltd

Notice of Intention to Remove Overseas Company From the Register
Pursuant to Section 341(1)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 ("the Act")
We advise that Pharm-Austral Pty Ltd, whose registered office is at 35-37 Melville Road, Brunswick West, Victoria, Australia, wishes to be removed from the New Zealand Register, pursuant to section 341(1)(a), as the company
has never fulfilled its intention to carry on business in
New Zealand.
Any objection to this removal must be made in writing, under section 321 of the Act, and delivered to the Registrar not later than 14 November 2008 (being a date not less than 20 working days after the date of this notice).
Dated this 16th day of October 2008.