From 1 July 2017, all applications and approvals for tariff concessions can be found on the New Zealand Customs Service website.

Amendments and withdrawals are published in the Gazette. These notices can be found under the Tariff Act.

Notice Title


Applications Advertised for Objection
Closing Date for Objections 5th February 2008

1 Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been made in respect of the goods advertised in the Schedule to this notice. Any person wishing to lodge an objection should do so in writing, to the Ministry of Economic Development, PO Box 1473, Wellington, Fax 04-499 8508, before 5th February 2008. All submissions should include:
– the Tariff Concession (Advertisement) Notice number; the Tariff item; and
– Reference number.
2 All submissions from local manufacturers should include:
– the range of alternative goods made locally;
– the grounds on which objection is made (including reasons why the local product is a suitable alternative);
– present and potential output;
– details of factory cost in terms of materials, labour, overheads, including the proportion of domestic and imported content.
3 Where further information is required in order to make a submission an objector should contact the applicant in writing and refer a copy of the enquiry to the Ministry of Economic Development quoting the details in paragraph 1 above.

Part Appn. *Category
Tariff Name and Address II Ref. of
Item Description of Goods of Applicant Ref. No. Appn.

3402.20.00 Citric Ice TM, a low ph detergent, two step acid alkaline pre-soak surfactant Eastland Truckwash 99 302012G A
2 Belgium Terrace

3402.20.00 DynaBrite TM, a high ph detergent, two step acid/alkaline pre-soak Eastland Truckwash 99 302013E A
surfactant 2 Belgium Terrace

3923.21.15 Printed, re-sealable, stand alone pouches, of PET/HDPE (polyethylene Gallagher Group Ltd 99 302006B A
terephthalate/high density polyethylene PO Box 3026

3923.29.15 Four million printed retort pouches of besela rtriple laminate, period 12/07 Cedenco Foods 99 302011J IM
to 12/08 C/- DSV Air & Sea Ltd
PO Box 53113

5407.73.01 HDPE monofilament leno woven hail net Inglis Horticulture Ltd 99 302009G A
657 Main Road
RD 3

Chapter 84) Component items for the construction of the Mangaio 2000Kw hydro Genesis Energy Ltd 99 302007L CE
Chapter 85) electric station, on production of a written purchase order issued by Genesis C/- UPS - SCS NZ Ltd
Chapter 90) Energy, the major components being turbines, generators and valves PO Box 73002

8418.69.00 1 only IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) cheese freezer, manufactured from P Turnbull 99 302015A CE
stainless steel and able to operate continuously for a min. 44 hours with PT Associates Pty Ltd
sequential defrost, and incorporated CIP cleaning system which both allows PO Box 168
a max. 4 hours cleaning cycle and meets international dairy standard hygiene Gerringong
for export cheese production NSW 2534

8479.89.00 Insulated glass unit production line Glasscorp Ltd 99 302016K A
Manual stand alone axciliary equipment for IGU (insulated glass unit) line PO Box 100211
Replacement parts for IGU (insulated glass unit) line North Shore Mail Centre

Spare and service parts of the following vessels (regardless of tariff 99 300409A V
classification), excluding consumable tems (e.g., those items which are
not permanently fixed to, or form part of, the vessel.
NB: where there is any doubt in this regard confirmation should be sought
from the National Tariff Advisory Unit, New Zealand Customs Service,
Fast ferry Albayzin
F.Vs: Alexander Buryachenko, Aleksey Slobodchikov, Altair II, Amaltal
Atlantis, Amaltal Columbia, Amaltal Endeavour, Amaltal Enterprise,
Amaltal Explorer, Amaltal Mariner, Amaltal Voyager, Amarel, Aoraki,
Aorere, Aquila, Atria, Avro Chieftan, Awior, Cheung Shing, Chiyo Maru
No. 3, Dalmor II, Dorada, Giljanes, Gudni Olafsson, Ivan Golubets, Janas,
Kapitan Rusak, Kiwa, Labrador, Mainstream, Malakov Kurgan, Meridian,
MJ Souza, Nova 97, Ocean Ranger, Ocean Reward, Otakou, Pacific Bounty,
Pacific Challenger, Pacific Pride, Paerangi, Pakura, Professor Mikhaylo
Aleksandrov, Rehua, Sea Hunter, Sokolinoe, Sonrisa, Taharaki, Taimania,
Tasman Viking, Thomas Harrison, Willwatch
Milburn Carrier II, M.V. Westport, Cement King, M.V. Golden Bay
M.T. Taiko, M.T. Toanui, M.T. Kakariki
Offshore support vessels engaged in the servicing of the oil exploration/
production industry
Quickcat II
Royal New Zealand Navy vessels
Spirit of Freedom, Spirit of Competition, Spirit of Progress, Spirit of Vision,
Spirit of Resolution, Spirit of Enterprise
Tugs: Godley, Purau and Lyttelton III;
Sir Robert, Te Matua and Kaimai

Tariff Concession (Advertisement) Notice No. 2008/01 – continued

Part Appn. *Category
Tariff Name and Address II Ref. of
Item Description of Goods of Applicant Ref. No. Appn.

Spare and service parts of the following vessels (regardless of tariff Silver Fern Shipping Ltd 99 302017H V
classification), excluding consumable tems (e.g., those items which are PO Box 10090
not permanently fixed to, or form part of, the vessel. WELLINGTON
NB: where there is any doubt in this regard confirmation should be sought
from the National Tariff Advisory Unit, New Zealand Customs Service,
Fast ferry Albayzin
F.Vs: Alexander Buryachenko, Aleksey Slobodchikov, Altair II, Amaltal
Atlantis, Amaltal Columbia, Amaltal Endeavour, Amaltal Enterprise,
Amaltal Explorer, Amaltal Mariner, Amaltal Voyager, Amarel, Aoraki,
Aorere, Aquila, Atria, Avro Chieftan, Awior, Cheung Shing, Chiyo Maru
No. 3, Dalmor II, Dorada, Giljanes, Gudni Olafsson, Ivan Golubets, Janas,
Kapitan Rusak, Kiwa, Labrador, Mainstream, Malakov Kurgan, Meridian,
MJ Souza, Nova 97, Ocean Ranger, Ocean Reward, Otakou, Pacific Bounty,
Pacific Challenger, Pacific Pride, Paerangi, Pakura, Professor Mikhaylo
Aleksandrov, Rehua, Sea Hunter, Sokolinoe, Sonrisa, Taharaki, Taimania,
Tasman Viking, Thomas Harrison, Willwatch
Milburn Carrier II, M.V. Westport, Cement King, M.V. Golden Bay
+ M.T. Taiko, M.T. Toanui, M.T. Kakariki, M.T. Torea
Offshore support vessels engaged in the servicing of the oil exploration/
production industry
Quickcat II
Royal New Zealand Navy vessels
Spirit of Freedom, Spirit of Competition, Spirit of Progress, Spirit of Vision,
Spirit of Resolution, Spirit of Enterprise
Tugs: Godley, Purau and Lyttelton III;
Sir Robert, Te Matua and Kaimai

8903.91 Skud 18 Paralympic class sailing dinghies Kiwi Yachting 99 302018F A
C/- PO Box 2807

9306.29) Shotgun ammunition and parts thereof excluding assembled 12 gauge shells 99 997253G V
of the following case lengths, 57.00mm min. – 61.00mm max. (case length
being the length of the loaded shell before firing, including the metal base

9306.29) Shotgun ammunition and parts thereof Customs Services Ltd 99 302008J V
PO Box 1804

* Category of Application: A – General Approval
CE – Capital Equipment
IM – Inputs to Manufacturing – Inability to Supply
MS – Manufacturers’ Samples
RUC – Revocation of Unused Concession
S – Shortfall of Other Than Manufacturing Inputs
SMI – Shortfall of Manufacturing Inputs
SS – Special Situation
V – Variation of Existing Concession
W – Withdrawal of Concession
+ – Denotes amendment or addition

Dated at Wellington this 10th day of January 2008. V.A. MANKS, Ministry of Economic Development.