Notice Title

Notice of Application to Vary the Mode of Administration of Charitable Funds

Pursuant to Section 36 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957
Take notice that on 4 September 2008 at 10.00am, counsel for the University of Otago will move the High Court at Dunedin for an order approving a variation to the mode of administration of the charitable funds listed in the Schedule to this notice.
The application is being made on the grounds that the administration of the funds will be facilitated by the proposed variation, which is considered to be in the best interests of the charitable purposes of each of the funds.
The proposed scheme will authorise the University of Otago to transfer each of the funds to the trustees of the University of Otago Foundation Trust to be held and managed by them under the administrative provisions of that trust, except to the extent those terms may be inconsistent with existing terms, in which case the existing terms shall continue to apply.
The trustees of the University of Otago Foundation Trust
are all either officers of, or are appointed by, the university council.
Any person desiring to oppose the application must give written notice of his or her intention to do so to:
(a) the Registrar of the High Court, Private Bag 1925, Dunedin;
(b) the University of Otago, c/o Gallaway Cook Allan, PO Box 143, Dunedin; and
(c) to the Attorney-General, Crown Law Office, PO Box 5012, Wellington
not less than seven clear days before 4 September 2008.
Robert Burns Fellowship, Margaret Dalziel Lectureship,
De Carle Lectureship, Frances Hodgkins Fellowship, John
G Main Historical Research Fund, William Kennedy Memorial Trust, H C N Lyders Bequest, Mozart Fellowship Fund, Winsberg Geography Fund, Herman Menkes Trust, Arts Special Purposes Fund, J S Somerville Trust,
NZI Finance Gift, J A Valentine Visiting Professorship Fund, Donald Reid Fund, The Beverley Trust, Ecology Fund,
R E Corbett Lecture Fund, A D Campbell Lecture Fund,
W N Benson Memorial Fund, Geology Graduate Student Research Fund, John Newton Dodd Lecture, J B Mackie Trust, Carnegie Corporation Award for Audit Education,
A E Stevenson Gift, Sidey Fellowship, School of Physiotherapy Fund, Cancer Research Fund, Cardiac Research Fund, Harold Chaffeer Endowment, Elaine Gurr Endowment, Helen Deem Memorial, Otago Medical School General Bequest Fund, General Medical Research Fund,
V M Frew Bequest, James Hume Fund, Inkster-Ross Memorial Fund, Charles M McGillvray Fund, John
M McGillvray Fund, T H and W J Green Fund, Microbiology Fund, E M Paton Bequest, Hannah and
Sarah Pollok Foundation, Sir John Roberts Endowment,
R J Gilmour Southland Medical Trust, K L Stewart
Bequest, Ellen Laura Wilkinson, Herman Menkes Trust, (Psych. Med.), The Department of Medicine Research
& Education Fund, John Raymond (Jack) Reeve Haematology Bequest, Ethel Johnstone Trust, Elizabeth May McLean Trust Fund, Medical Students Assistance Fund, Medical Special Purposes Fund, VG Robertson Estate, L K Laugeson Charitable Trust Fund, Merck
Sharp & Dohme Gift (Clinical Pharmacology), Merck Sharp
& Dohme Gift (Surgery), Gerald Duff Research Prize,
J Borrie Bequest, A M Bowbyes Gift, Scottish History and Literature Fund, Hocken Library Endowment Fund,
Molly Morpeth Canaday Fund, William Evans Fund,
R.E. Upchurch Fund, Rowheath Trust, Annie Aitken Memorial Prize, Flora Allan Prize Capital, Henry K Allison Prize, Prize in Anatomy, Archerfield School Prize,
Sir Harold Barrowclough Scholar, Batchelor Memorial
Prize Capital, Stanley Batchelor Memorial Prize, Charles Begg Scholarship, Brenda Bell Prize, Muriel Bell Prize,
R J T Bell Prize Capital, Agnes Randall Blackie Memorial, Helen Brosnan Prize, W R Brown & WS Gilkison Prize, Burt Prize, Donald Byars Prize, Aotearoa Composers
Prize, Austrian Literature Prize, JD Campbell Prize,
CL Carter Prize, Sydney Champtaloup Prize, WL Christie Prize, Prize in Classical Studies, Colquhoun Memorial Prize, France Cotter Scholarship Fund, T K Cowan Scholarship, Cowie Nicholls Prize, FW Craddock Prize, LP Davies Prize, O V Davies Memorial Prize, Dunbar Scholarship, John Edmond Scholarship, Edson Memorial Prize, William Emery Scholarship, Janet Ferguson Memorial Prize,
Fowler Scholarship, Gilray Memorial Prize Capital,
CM Greenslade Memorial Prize, Elizabeth Gregory Scholarship, Habens Prize, James Harvey Memorial Prize, JW Hayward Scholarship, Elizabeth M Henderson
Prize, James Henry Scholarship, Herbert Muriel Prize, Holloway Memorial Prize, Robert Jack Prize, Gopi
Jain Memorial Prize, Emily Johnston Scholarship, TWJ
Johnson Memorial Prize, Gordon Jupp Memorial
Prize, Richard Kammann Memorial Prize, Jessie Kinder Prize, Lady King Prize, Leask Memorial Medals, Duffus Lubecki Scholarship, Macandrew Scholarship, Jennie Macandrew Prize, E K Crow Scholarship, McAlpine Memorial Prize, Marjorie McCallum Prize, Molly McDonald Prize, Peter McGregor Prize, Peter McIntosh Prize, TPH McKellar Prize, McMillan Brown Prize, John Malcolm Memorial Prize, AFJ Mickle Memorial Prize, Misses Miller Braemar House Prize, Sir Holmes Miller Memorial Prize, Peter Milne Prize, Ron Moore Memorial Fund, Phillip Neill Prize, NZ Dental Corps Prize,
NZ Obstetrics Society Scholarship, OGHS Jubilee
Prize, Louis Olive Memorial Prize, Trust Bank Otago Travelling Scholarship, Trust Bank Otago Scholarship in Dentistry, MH Pankhurst Memorial Prize, Park Memorial Prize, Parker Memorial Prize, HN Parton Prize, Lorna Patrick Prize, Proudfoot Scholarship, Lissie Rathbone Scholarship, Richardson Scholarship, GH Satchell
Prize, Scott Memorial Prize, Walter Scott Scholarship,
P B A Sim Prize, Smeaton Scholarship, F R Shroff Prize, Alliance Postgraduate Scholarship, John Dennison Smith Bursary, J Waddell Smith Scholarship, Percy Smith Medal, FG Soper Prize, Ray Stone Prize, Westpac Southland Scholarship, Lady Stout Scholarship, Sir Robert
Stout Scholarship, Phillipa Sweetman Scholarship,
Taieri Scholarship, Kerry Thorn Memorial Prize, Horace Tilly Memorial Prize, John Tinline Scholarship, Turnbull Thomson Scholarship, Robert Turner Prize, Ulrich
Prize, Evelyn Waddell Memorial Prize, J M Watt Prize, Stanley Wilson Prize, Women's Scholarship, Waddell Smith-Renfrew White Scholarship, James Renfrew White Prize, Ida White Prize, Ida White Travelling Scholarship, George Young Scholarship, David Wright Memorial Award, Donald W Beaven Memorial Prize, Rita Gardner Scholarship, Lenore Harty Prize, Malcolm & Margaret Hayman Prize, Daniel Taylor Prize, Marion Robinson Prize, P.M Bruggeman Scholarship, Francis Bate Prize in Music, W.E. Adams Award, Prize in Restorative Dentistry, Angus Ross Prize, Colin Francis McDonald Prize, G W J Bell Prize, Joan McKenzie - Parnell Prize, D B Sawyer Prize,
H Turner Stuart Residence Hall Prize, Harold Silverstone Memorial Prize, Mary Shaw Prize, G H Jowett Prizes, George Gregor McGregor Cameron Gift, P K Grant
Prize, Jack Bradshaw Scholarship, Graham Francis
Hall Prize, Bamforth Scholarship Fund, P Wallis Prize, Currie Prize, T Anne Cleary Travel Prize, Neville Bain Prize, Guy Hallwright Prize, Law Students' Society Prize, Southfert Co-operative Prize, Fastier Pharmacolgy Students Assistance Fund, Mueller-Heumann Prize, Otago Council Scholarship, Selwyn Carson Prize, David Hackett Fischer Gift, William Downey Stewart Prize, Emily Hancock Siedeberg Memorial Prize, Pavel Tichy Prize, M Fitchett and R Medlicott Scholarship, Consulting Surveyors NZ Prize, Harvey Brown Prize, NZ Dental Employers Prize, JWM Spiers Prize, Sue Ford Prize, Lady Govan Prize.
Important Note: This proposal is an administrative one only, and does not affect the purposes of any of the trusts, or role played by university personnel in determining the use of the funds.