Notice Title

New Zealand Business and Parliament Trust

Publication Date
29 May 2008


Charitable Trusts Act Application to vary a charitable trust

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Principal Edition, 29 May 2008.
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Advertisement of Application for Orders to Vary a Trust Deed
Pursuant to Section 36 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957
Take notice that on 24 June 2008, the New Zealand Business and Parliament Trust ("the trust") will move
the High Court at Wellington for orders varying its trust deed and appointing new trustees in accordance with the varied trust deed.
The variation will alter the structure of the trust to reflect the way the trust wishes to conduct its affairs.
The variation will not alter the trust's charitable purposes.
Any person who wishes to oppose the variation must
give seven days notice in writing of their intention to
do so to:
(a) the Registrar of the High Court at Wellington;
(b) the Attorney-General, c/o Crown Law Office; and
(c) the trustees of the trust (c/o Russell McVeagh,
PO Box 10214, Wellington (Attention: Michael Mabbett)).
To view the proposed variation of the trust deed, please telephone (04) 819 7830 or email