Pursuant to section 253(3) of the Education Act 1989,
notice is given that the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, having undertaken the consultation required by section 253(2) and having established criteria in respect
of the approval and accreditation of courses in certain categories of applications, pursuant to section 253(1)(d)
and (e), hereby publishes them*.
It is expected that organisations will, in the development
and delivery of courses, give effect to the principles of
the Treaty of Waitangi as expressed in their business plans and/or quality management documents.
All tertiary education organisations shall focus on the quality and value of their outcomes for learners and other stakeholders and the effectiveness of key processes that contribute to these outcomes.
From 1 January 2009, all organisations whose courses are approved pursuant to these criteria and/or that are accredited to deliver courses pursuant to these criteria, shall undertake self-assessment of their own performance and the results
of this self-assessment shall be used to monitor and continuously improve the quality of outcomes for learners and other stakeholders.
From 1 January 2009, all organisations whose courses are approved pursuant to these criteria and/or that are accredited to deliver courses pursuant to these criteria shall be subject to periodic external evaluation and review by their quality assurance bodies.
The categories of applications to which these criteria
apply are:
(a) all applications in respect of approval of courses and accreditation of organisations to deliver them.
(b) all applications in respect of course approval only, where the course developer will not deliver the course.
(c) all applications in respect of accreditation only, where the course has already received approval under (a) or (b) above.
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority or any body exercising powers of approval and accreditation under the provisions of section 260(2) of the Education Act 1989,
or the New Zealand Vice Chancellors’ Committee in exercising the power of approval and accreditation under the provisions of section 260(1) of the Education Act 1989, shall satisfy itself as to the standard and quality of every course for which approval and/or accreditation is sought in regard to the following criteria.
Category (a)—All Applications in Respect of Approval
of Courses and Accreditation of Organisations to
Deliver Them
Title, aims, learning outcomes and coherence:
The adequacy and appropriateness of the title, aims, stated learning outcomes and coherence of the whole course. (Note: Qualification developers are also required to meet the criteria for registration on the New Zealand Register of Quality Assured Qualifications.)
Delivery and learning methods:
The adequacy and appropriateness of delivery and learning methods, for all modes of delivery, given the stated learning outcomes.
The adequacy of the means of ensuring that assessment procedures are fair, valid, consistent and appropriate given the stated learning outcomes.
Acceptability of the course:
The acceptability of the proposed course to the relevant academic, industrial, professional and other communities in terms of its stated aims and learning outcomes, nomenclature, content and structure.
The adequacy and appropriateness of the regulations that specify requirements for admission, credit for previous study, recognition of prior learning, course length and structure, integration of practical/work-based components, assessment procedures, and normal progression within
a programme.
The capacity of the organisation to support sustained delivery of the course, in all delivery modes, with regard to appropriate academic staffing, teaching facilities, physical resources and support services.
Evaluation and review:
The adequacy and effectiveness of the provision for evaluation and review of courses; for monitoring
the on-going relevance of learning outcomes, course delivery and course standards; for reviewing
course regulations and content; for monitoring improvement following evaluation and review; and
for determining whether the course shall continue to
be offered.
Special Requirements
Degrees and related qualifications:
The adequacy of provision of research facilities and support of staff involved in research, the levels of research activity of staff involved in the course and
of ways by which the research–teaching links are made in the curriculum.
Category (b)—All Applications in Respect of Course Approval Only, Where the Course Developer Will
Not Deliver the Course
Title, aims, learning outcomes and coherence:
The adequacy and appropriateness of the title, aims, stated learning outcomes and coherence of the whole course. (Note: Qualification developers are also required to meet the criteria for registration on the New Zealand Register of Quality Assured Qualifications.)
Acceptability of the course:
The acceptability of the proposed course to the relevant academic, industrial, professional and other communities
in terms of its stated aims and learning outcomes, nomenclature, content and structure.
The adequacy and appropriateness of the regulations that specify requirements for admission, credit for previous study, recognition of prior learning, course length and structure, integration of practical/work-based components, assessment procedures and normal progression within
a course.
The fairness, validity, consistency and appropriateness of the assessment methodology, given the stated learning outcomes.
Evaluation and review:
The adequacy and effectiveness of the provision for evaluation and review of courses; for monitoring the ongoing relevance of learning outcomes, course standards and quality; and for reviewing course regulations and content.
Category (c)—All Applications in Respect of Accreditation Only, Where the Course Has Already Received Approval Under (a) or (b) Above
Acceptability of the course:
The acceptability of the proposed course to the relevant academic, industrial, professional and other communities
in terms of its stated aims and learning outcomes, nomenclature, content and structure.
Delivery and learning methods:
The adequacy and appropriateness of delivery and learning methods, for all modes of delivery, given the stated learning outcomes.
The adequacy of the means of ensuring that assessment procedures are fair, valid, consistent and appropriate, given the stated learning outcomes.
The capacity of the organisation to support sustained delivery of the course, in all delivery modes, with regard to appropriate academic staffing, teaching facilities, physical resources and support services.
Evaluation and review:
The adequacy and effectiveness of the provision for
the evaluation and review of course delivery against defined course standards and regulations; for monitoring improvement following evaluation and review; and
for determining whether a course shall continue to
be delivered.
Special Requirements
Degrees and related qualifications:
The adequacy of provision of research facilities and support of staff involved in research, the levels of research activity of staff involved in the course and
of ways by which the research–teaching links are
made in the curriculum.
These criteria will be effective from 1 January 2009.
SUE SUCKLING, Board Chairperson, New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
*This notice replaces the one published in the New Zealand Gazette, 12 December 2002, No. 178, page 4498.