Notice Title

Printing and Allied Industries Training Council Incorporated

Publication Date
27 Nov 2008


Industry Training Act Recognised industry training organisations

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Principal Edition, 27 November 2008.
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Pursuant to section 5 of the Industry Training Act
1992, the Printing and Allied Industries Training Council Incorporated has been granted re-recognition, for a period
of five years, with effect from 25 September 2008 to
25 September 2013, to set standards at Levels 1 to 8 on the National Qualifications Framework for the communications and media industries including journalism (including print, radio, television and digital), graphic design, marketing, printing production, digital communications, and fibreboard packaging.
Pursuant to section 5 of the Industry Training Act
1992, the extension of coverage for the Printing and Allied Industries Training Council Incorporated to merge with the New Zealand Journalists Training Organisation Incorporated has also been granted.
Approval has also been given to the Printing and Allied Industries Training Council Incorporated to change its trading name to "The Communications and Media Industry Training Organisation".
Dated at Wellington this 4th day of November 2008.
HON PETE HODGSON, Minister for Tertiary Education.