Notice Title

Approval of Computer Software

Publication Date
10 Jul 2008


Land Transport Rule: Heavy-vehicle Brakes Approvals

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Principal Edition, 10 July 2008.
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Pursuant to subclause 10.6(8) of Land Transport Rule: Heavy-vehicle Brakes 2006 (“the Rule”), and pursuant to the powers delegated to me by the Director of Land Transport (“the director”), I, Bruce Hamilton Currie, Senior Vehicle Engineer, hereby approve the computer software specified in Schedule 1 of this notice for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the requirements in Schedule 5 of the Rule, subject to the conditions in Schedule 2.
Schedule 1 – the software to be approved
Title: “Brake It 2007” of Haldex Brake Products GmbH – Heidelberg.
Version: V 1.00 of 02/2008 and all subsequent versions.
Schedule 2 – the conditions of the approval
? Haldex Brake Products GmbH provides copies of the subsequent versions of the software to Land Transport New Zealand, together with additional information as may be necessary, before the subsequent version of the software can be used in New Zealand.
? Haldex Brake Products GmbH and its representative in New Zealand will ensure that the software is used
only by properly trained and authorised persons in
New Zealand, and will keep a continuously updated register of those persons, and will make that register available for the director or the director’s representative if requested.
? Haldex Brake Products GmbH and its representative in New Zealand will ensure that the programming and/or reprogramming of any electronic device supplied by Haldex Brake Products GmbH to the New Zealand market for use in the control system of heavy vehicle brakes, will only be carried out by persons specifically trained and authorised by Haldex Brake Products GmbH for such tasks.
Dated at Wellington this 8th day of July 2008.
BRUCE HAMILTON CURRIE, Senior Vehicle Engineer.