Notice Type
Appointment/Release of Receivers & Managers
Notice Title

Brooklyn Developments No.1 Limited (in receivership) ("the company")

Notice of Appointment of Receivers
Pursuant to Section 8(1) of the Receiverships Act 1993
Company No.: 1982695
Anthony David Kenneth Boswell and Colin Thomas McCloy, of PricewaterhouseCoopers, were appointed jointly and severally as receivers of Brooklyn Developments No.1 Limited on 10 July 2008 under the terms of an instrument dated the 9th day of November 2007.
The Property in Receivership is: All of the company's undertaking, property and assets.
The Receivers' Office Address is and Enquiries May be Directed to: PricewaterhouseCoopers, 113-119 The Terrace (PO Box 243), Wellington (Attention: Craig Sanson). Telephone: (04) 462 7016. Facsimile: (04) 462 7492.
Dated this 14th day of July 2008.