Notice Type
Appointment/Release of Liquidators
Notice Title

Huntly Cook Islands Society Trust Board, Ohinemataroa Holdings Limited, Te Reo Whakapaoho Takaro o te Ao Limited, Karika Angel Trust Limited and Ataarangi Contractors Limited

Notice of Appointment of Liquidators
Kenneth Peter Brown and Thomas Lee Rodewald were appointed joint and several liquidators of the entities on the date and times below:
14 July 2008
Huntly Cook Islands Society Trust Board at 11.00am.
Ohinemataroa Holdings Limited at 11.02am.
Te Reo Whakapaoho Takaro o te Ao Limited at 11.04am.
Karika Angel Trust Limited at 11.14am.
Ataarangi Contractors Limited at 2.16pm.
KENNETH PETER BROWN, Joint Liquidator.
Address of Liquidators: C/o Rodewald Hart Brown Limited, 127 Durham Street (PO Box 13380), Tauranga. Telephone: (07) 571 6280. Website: