Notice Title

Revocation of a Notice Relating to Conservation Areas and Issue of a Fresh Notice

Publication Date
16 Aug 2007


Conservation Act Land notices

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Under the Conservation Act 1987, the Community Relations Manager, West Coast Conservancy of the Department of Conservation, and by reason of an error made in the notice described subsequently, revokes the notice Declaring Land
to be Held for Conservation Purposes dated the 3rd day
of April 2007 and published in the New Zealand Gazette,
12 April 2007, No. 40, page 1018, and issues the following notice as a fresh notice in its place.
Declaring Land to be Held for Conservation Purposes
Under the Conservation Act 1987, the Community Relations Manager, West Coast Conservancy of the Department of Conservation, hereby declares that the land described in
the Schedule is held for conservation purposes and it shall thereafter be so held.
Westland Land District—Westland District
Area ha Description
105.0000 Section 1 SO 11544.
90.7000 Section 1 SO 329605.
1039.3130 Sections 1–5 SO 329606.
105.7907 Areas A, part B (formerly part Reserve 928)C, D, E and F SO 322691.
2942.7921 Sections 1–15 SO 342688.
Dated at Hokitika this 7th day of August 2007.
(DOC PAN-14-02)