Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Amending a Notice Setting Land Apart, Acquiring Land, and Stopping and Vesting Road in the Crown for Flood Control Purposes-Alexandra

Pursuant to section 55 of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Roger Kenneth McLeod, Land Information New Zealand, hereby amends the notice dated the 6th day of May 2003, setting land apart, acquiring land and stopping and vesting road, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 3 July 2003, No. 76, page 2025, by deleting the Third Schedule and substituting with the following:
Otago Land District-Central Otago District
Third Schedule
Land Set Apart for Flood Control Purposes
Area m2 Description
205 Part Section 2 SO 24450; shown as Section 4 on SO 307903 (part Gazette Notice 937371.1).
1852 Part Section 2 SO 24450; shown as Section 15 on SO 307906 (part Gazette Notice 937371.1).
824 Part Section 15 Block XVII Town of Alexandra; shown as Section 18 on SO 307906 (part Proclamation 6475).
13 Part Section 2 SO 24450; shown as Section 20 on SO 307906 (part Gazette Notice 937371.1).
Dated at Wellington this 26th day of July 2007.
R. K. MCLEOD, for the Minister for Land Information.
(LINZ CON/50237/11/G-ZNO)