Notice Title

Notice of Final Decisions to Assign or Alter Place Names

Pursuant to section 15 of the New Zealand Geographic Board Act 1946, notice is hereby given of the final decisions of the New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa to assign new or altered place names stated in the first column of the Schedule below to the places described in the second column of the said Schedule, and that such decisions take effect on the date of the New Zealand Gazette containing this notice.
North Auckland Land District
Le Gros Stream Stream flowing generally north-westerly then northerly into Kumeu River, at Waitakere, west of Auckland, topographic map 260-Q11 and Pt R11 Waitakere, source: GR 491 824, confluence: GR 484 836. Spelling alteration from Le Gos Stream.
Lovett Stream Stream flowing generally westerly into the Tasman Sea at The Gap, south of Piha, topographic map 260-Q11 and Pt R11 Waitakere, source: GR 419 700. Spelling alteration from Lovatt Stream (replacing previous New Zealand Gazette, 13 July 1989, No. 120, page 3005).
Tangitanginga Historic place located on the right bank of the Waikato River, near its mouth, topographic map 260-R13 Port Waikato, GR 645 260. Reserved for conservation purposes byNew Zealand Gazette, 2 August 1990, No. 132, page 2742. Not named on current mapping.
Williams Stream Stream flowing generally south-westerly into Big Muddy Creek, along the northern shore of Manukau Harbour, topographic map 260-R11 Auckland, source: GR 549 701. Spelling alteration from William Stream (replacing previous New Zealand Gazette,13 July 1989, No. 120, page 3005).
Whakarongorua Point Coastal point at the southernmost end of Manawatawhi/Great Island, located in the Manawatawhi/Three Kings Islands, topographic map 260-L01 Three Kings, GR 315 811, and hydrographic chart NZ4111, 34ø10'20?S Latitude 172ø08'05?E Longitude. Not named on current map or chart. Also referred to as South Point.
The following three place names at the top of the North Island were approved as intentions at the board meeting of 9 July 1953. This notice completes the statutory requirement for public notification. Topographic map 260-M02 and N02 North Cape:
Ngatoru Stream Stream flowing generally easterly into Tairere Bay, along the northern-most coast of the North Island, GR 043 530. Spelling alteration from Ngatuiau Stream or Ngataiau Stream.
Oruariki Stream Stream flowing generally northerly into Ngaruariki Stream, along the northern-most coast of the North Island, source: GR 035 526. Not named on current mapping. Not Oruaruki Stream.
Totoare Locality (not populated) along the northern shores of Parengarenga Harbour, at the top of the North Island, GR 086 456. Not named on current mapping. Not Toteare.
The following four Hauturu/Little Barrier Island place names were approved as intentions at the board meeting of 9 July 1953. This notice completes the statutory requirement for public notification. Topographic map 260-S08 and T08 Barrier:
Cathedral Rock Protruding coastal rock along the north-west coast, GR 002 562.
Hingaia Locality (not populated) at Pohutukawa Flat, GR 003 553.
Maraeroa Locality (not populated) near Te Titoki Point along the south-west coast, GR 954 514.
Waihoroipu Stream Stream flowing to the eastern coast, south of Rocky Point, GR 001 526.
South Auckland Land District
The following two place names north of Morrinsville were approved as intentions at the board meeting of 9 July 1953. This notice completes the statutory requirement for public notification. Topographic maps 260-S14 Hamilton, 260-T13 Paeroa, 260-T14 Morrinsville:
Herbert Stream Stream flowing generally north-easterly into Mangarewa Stream, north of Morrinsville, source: 260-S14 GR 295 990, midway: 260-T14 GR 306 995, confluence: 260-T13 GR 323 007. Not named on current mapping.
Mangarewa Stream Stream flowing generally northerly into Piako River, north of Morrinsville, source:260-T14 GR 320 983, confluence: 260-T13 GR 325 007. Not named on current mapping.
Wellington Land District
Morison Hill Hill at height 295m, located 15km east south-east of Featherston, with an unbeaconed trig station "A2Y6, Morrison" at its summit, topographic map 260-S27 Lake Wairarapa, GR 201 031. Spelling alteration from Morrison.
Scotts Ferry Locality (populated) on the right bank of the Rangitikei River, 2km upstream ofits mouth, and 2km north of Tangimoana, topographic map 260-R23/S23 Marton, GR 003 005. Not named on current mapping.
Marlborough Land District
Pukatea Bay Coastal bay in Kenepuru Sound, topographic map 260-P27 Picton, GR 948 000. Spelling alteration from Puketea Bay.
Nelson Land District
Mount Norriss Hill at height 531m, in the Spooners Range east of Motueka River, topographic map 260-N28 Golden Downs, GR 988 682. Spelling alteration from Mount Norris.
Norriss Gully Stream Stream flowing generally northerly then north-westerly into Motueka River, in the Spooners Range, topographic map 260-N28 Golden Downs, source: GR 017 641, confluence: GR 963 713. Spelling alteration from Norris Gully Stream.
Canterbury Land District
The following Lyttelton Harbour/Whakaraupo place name was approved as an intention at the board meeting of 9 and
10 September 1948 and has generally been shown on published mapping and charts since that time. This notice completes the statutory requirement for public notification.
Parson Rock Submerged rock lying approximately 200m north of Ripapa Island, topographic map 260-N36 and N37 Akaroa, GR 902 323, and hydrographic chart NZ6321, 43ø37'S Latitude 172ø45'E Longitude. Named on current chart but not on current mapping.
Westland Land District
Mount Eggeling Mountain at height 1136m, located above Cascade River in south Westland, topographic map 260-E37 and E38 Cascade, GR 469 665. Spelling alteration from Mount Eggelling.
Otago Land District
Purakaunui Locality (populated) along the eastern shore of Purakaunui Inlet, north Otago Peninsula, topographic map 260-I44 and J44 Dunedin, GR 258 927. Spelling alteration from Purakaunui (replacing previous New Zealand Gazette, 28 May 1992, No. 78, page 1514).
Purakaunui Bay Coastal bay located between Mapoutahi (coastal point) and Potato Point, north Otago Peninsula, topographic map 260-I44 and J44 Dunedin, GR 250 940. Spelling alteration from Purakaunui Bay (replacing previous New Zealand Gazette, 28 May 1992, No. 78, page 1514).
Purakaunui Creek Stream flowing generally northerly into Purakaunui Inlet, north Otago Peninsula, topographic map 260-I44 and J44 Dunedin, source: GR 241 887, midway: GR 250 900. Spelling alteration from Purakanui Creek.
Purakaunui Inlet Tidal inlet south of Purakaunui Bay, north Otago Peninsula, topographic map 260-I44 and J44 Dunedin, GR 250 920. Spelling alteration from Purakaunui Inlet (replacing previous New Zealand Gazette, 28 May 1992, No. 78, page 1514).
V Notch Pass Alpine pass at height 1884m, located 2km east south-east of Mount Huxley, connecting the valley of the South Branch Huxley River to the valley of the Ahuriri River, topographic map 260-G38 Haast Pass, GR 458 759. Not named on current mapping.
Dated at Wellington this 18th day of January 2007.
W. K. SHAW, Secretary, New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.