Notice Title

Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Notice (No. 6) 2007 (No. F424)

Pursuant to Regulation 9(2) of the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999, the Programme Manager (Deed of Settlement Implementation Programme) at the Ministry of Fisheries (acting pursuant to a delegated authority in accordance with section 41 of the State Sector Act 1988) gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title and commencement—(1) This notice may be
cited as the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Notice (No. 6) 2007.
(2) This notice shall come into effect on 13 December 2007.
2. Interpretation—In this notice:
(a) “customary food-gathering” has the same meaning as defined in the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999;
(b) “Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki” means the person or persons appointed under Regulation 9 of the Fisheries (South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999 for the management of customary food-gathering within an area/rohe moana; and
(c) “area/rohe moana” means the area from the northern bank of the Hakatere River following the coast
to Ounu Hau Point at Pohatu: the area excludes
Te Waihora-Lake Ellesmere (as defined as Quota Management Area ANG 13 in the Fisheries
Act 1996), its catchments and Te Wairewa-Lake Forsyth; then due east to the limit of the South Island fisheries waters; then following the boundary of the South Island fisheries waters to a point due east of the Hakatere River; and finally back to the northern bank of the Hakatere River.
3. Nomination of Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki—The Onuku Runanga, being the tangata whenua holding manawhenua manamoana over the area/rohe moana (as represented by
Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu), has nominated Bruce Rhodes and Meri Robinson as Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki for the area/rohe moana for further five-year terms.
4. Appointment of Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki—On
21 November 2007, the Associate Minister of Fisheries confirmed, under Regulation (9)(5) of the Fisheries
(South Island Customary Fishing) Regulations 1999, the
reappointment of Bruce Rhodes and Meri Robinson for managing customary food-gathering in the area/rohe
moana. The appointments are for five years commencing
on 13 December 2007.
5. Power to authorise the taking of fisheries resources for customary food-gathering—A Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki may authorise any individual to take fisheries resources managed under the Fisheries Act 1996 for customary
food-gathering purposes from within the whole or any part of the area/rohe moana for which they have been appointed as a Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki. No customary food-gathering of fisheries resources may take place in the area/rohe moana without an authorisation from a Tangata Tiaki/Kaitiaki.
Dated at Nelson this 3rd day of December 2007.
RAYMOND NECKLEN, Programme Manager (Deed
of Settlement Implementation Programme), Ministry of Fisheries.