Notice Title

Notice of Cancellation of Trade Name Products Registration (Notice No. 16)

Pursuant to section 14(1) of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997, the Director-General
of the New Zealand Food Safety Authority hereby gives notice that the registration of the following trade name products has ceased under section 22(1) of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997:
Trade Name Reference
Amid-Thin W P005810
Armothin P005622
Avicas A008171
Chemagro Terminex-A P001877
Coxi Plus A008174
Deuce WDG P007468
Liquid Laser P005787
Lutaplan Injection A007477
Minerasol A00808
Partna P005723
Peropal P002641
Ravensdown Diazinon 800 P007134
Theraprim A008170
Tribute P007078
Tricho Plus A008173
Trichocure A008172
Period Allowed for Continued Sale and Use:
30 September 2007.
Dated at Wellington this 28th day of September 2007.
MAREE ZINZLEY, Programme Manager (ACVM and Non-Food Products) (acting under delegated authority).